Parent Teacher Organization: Mission, Minutes and Meetings

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Officers for 1999-2000: President Becky Stoddard, Vice President Karen Smith, Secretary Roxanne Burnham, Treasurer Deb Blade, Parent at Large Barb Stowe, Parent at Large Lorann Smith

Our mission is to support our own children, their classrooms and the entire community of learners at Gateway North. By taking an active interest in the work of school staff and teachers, and by offering parent skills, experience and fund raising proceeds we believe that the school and all families will benefit. Minutes are accepted two months later when people get together again

* September meeting
* November meeting
* January meeting
* March meeting
* May meeting

Meetings of the PTO are open to everyone connected to the children and school. We welcome whatever ideas, skills, time or resources you can contribute to the Gateway Family of Learners.

The agenda for the upcoming meeting will appear below once it has been drawn up.


January 11, 2000

t e x t ___g o e s ___ h e r e


l i n k s ___ o f___ i n t e r e s t

f e e d b a c k
Both questions and comments can be sent to the PTO c/o the school office by telephone (224-4600), by fax (224-0222); to the officers directly, or by mail: attn. Gateway North PTO, P.O.Box 230, 501 W. Sickles St., St.Johns, MI 48879.

created 12 January 2000 . . . updated 14 January 2000