What Does The Bible Say About It? |
How Do You Become A Christian? |
Religion - Worthless or Worthwhile? |
Application For Heaven |
How Jesus Completely Changed My Life
(My Testimony) |
What Does The Bible Say About... |
Abortion |
Being Born Again |
Dating |
Divorce |
Disciplining Children |
Drinking |
Eye for an Eye, Tooth for a Tooth |
Putting Faith in Christ For... |
Fasting |
Forgiveness |
God Being Real |
God Disciplines His Children |
God's Will (Hearing God's Voice) |
Heaven and Hell |
Holy Spirit, Blasphemy of |
Homosexuality |
Horoscopes and Fortunetellers |
Jesus |
Jesus - Master of Questions |
Jesus - The Only Way to Heaven |
Jesus - After His Death |
Jesus The Mediator |
Judas Iscariot, Why Jesus Chose Him |
Love |
Man's Purpose |
Masturbation |
Ministering to Others |
Mouth Confession |
The Names of God |
Prayer, The Importance of |
Reasons For Suffering |
Remembering and Forgetting |
Rewards in Heaven |
Salvation, Adult's |
Salvation, Can You Lose It? |
Salvation, False Concepts of |
Salvation, God's Basic Plan |
Scripture Memory |
The Second Coming |
Secrets |
Seeking the Lord |
Sin, In Any Nation |
Sin, Ours Individually |
Sin, What is it? |
Suing Each Other |
Our Thoughts |
Tithing (Financial Giving) |
Water Baptism |
What Shall I do VS. What Shall I do to be Saved |
Who We Should Call Upon |
The World We Live In |
Worrying Bible Verses |
Word of God |
True Worship |
Other Stuff |
Search This Sight |
Religion Vs. Reality |
In The Beginning GOD Created the Earth |
Verses That Are Funny |
What is the Bible? |
Is This All the Truth? |
Cool Verses |
Covenants of God |
Romans Road |
Bible Books and Authors |
The Message to Share |
Heaven and Earth |
The Gospel Harmony |
What Should We Do? |
Parables of Jesus |
Prophecies of the Messiah |
A Letter From Hell |
Powerful Verses That I've Collected |
How To Know if You are a Christian |
The Three Most Important Choices |
This Page's Colors, What do They Stand For? |
Who Composed Each of These Pages? |
What Good is Quiet Time With God? |
How Do You Become a Christian? |
Application for Heaven |
Religion - Worthless or Worthwhile? |
Are You Positive You're a Christian? |
A Letter From Satan |
A Journal By My Great-Great Grandfather |
God-Mass in Your Life (an analogy) |
Quotes That I Like |
Other Bible Resources |
Bible Information Online |
Yahoo: Bible Studies |
Naves Topical Bible |
Leadership University
(an excellent site) |
Probe Ministries
(an excellent site) |
Guide to Early Church Documents |
Internet Bibles |
WWW Bible Gateway |
Yahoo: Internet Bibles |
Blue Letter Bible |
Bible Shareware |
BiblePro |
Gospel Parallels |
King James Dictionary |
Swordsearcher |
Stuff On Me
(John, The Caretaker of This Page) |
My Phone, Address, Etc. |
How I Made This Page |
How My Life Has Completely Changed (My Testimony) |
My Biggest Helps |
Hey, I Made the Newspaper! |
My Resume |
Give Me Feedback! |
Why Do I Read the New American Standard? |
Hebrews 4:12-13
For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart. And there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are open and laid bare to the eyes of Him with whom we have to do.
Unless otherwise stated:
"Scripture taken from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE ®,
© Copyright The Lockman Foundation 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995. Used by permission." |
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