The Ludington Family


The Civil War

Somewhere a bugle sounds, and men inside their building
Wait until the flag comes down.
And others run to get their car quite harrowed or dismayed
Afraid they will not reach the gate before "Retreat" is played

Not thinking of the flag or men who fought to keep it flying
How many would be glad to stand whose bodies now are mute
Or have no hand that they might raise, and stand in proud salute

So accept it not as a duty, but a privilege even more.
and receive as an honor, instead of just a chore

author unknown

The Ludington family served honorably and proudly in many different capacities during the civil war. Some fought for the Union, to preserve the unity of the United States of America. Others fought for the Confederacy to preserve the ways of the South and against the perceived injustices of the Northern states against them. I am proud to list their names and units on this page in their memory.

The Union


Ludington, Augustine - Private
22nd Conn. Vol. Inf.
Ludington, Lewis S. - Private
119th Co. 2nd Reg. Batt.
Ludington, Linus Sheppard
1st Reg. Connecticut Hvy Art.


Luddington, Hisler H. - Pvt.
25th Illinois Inf. Co.(06)
Ludington, John Q.A. - Pvt.
125th Illinois Inf. Co.A
Ludington, Lewis - Captain
enlisted: 27 August 1862
Ludington, Allen B. - Private
enlisted: 2 August 1862
Ludington, John M. - Private
enlisted: 2 August 1862
Luddington, David - Private
Enlisted: 10 September 1861
Luddington, Florentine W. - Private
Enlisted: 5 December 1863
Died: Camp Butler, Springfield, Illnois
7 March 1864


Luddington, Milton - Private,
77th Regiment,4th Calvary
Ludington, James - Private
enlisted: 12 January, 1864
Luddington, Harvey - Corporal
Co. G, 86th Indiana Infantry
Ludington, James A. - Private
Sept. 18, 1861 - April 21, 1864
Company H Indiana 10th Infantry
Ludington, John F. - Private
40th Indiana Inf. Co. K
Oct. 23, 1861 - July 20, 1864.


Ludington, John W.
15th Iowa Infantry
Ludington, Henry Hoover
33th Iowa Infantry
killed in action: 4 July 1863
Helena, Arkansas
Ludington, Alfred N.
39th Reg. Iowa Infantry
Ludington, Henry C.
39th Iowa Infantry


Ludington, Thomas W. - Pvt.- 27th Kentucky Inf. Co. G


Luddington, Charles B. Mil. 49th Inf. Co.DLuddington, Edwin C. Mil. 49th Inf. Co.DLuddington, Henry W. Mil. 49th Inf. Co.D
Luddington, James H. Mil. 49th Inf. Co.DLudington, Augustine Hvy.Arty. Unatt.Co.30Ludington, Orrin H. Mil 8th Inf. Co.A (3mo '61)


Ludington, Benjamin F. - Private
1st Inf. Co.A


Ludington, Comfort B., Pvt. 8th Regiment,Infantry.
Killed by Indians 2 May 1863 at Pomme de Terre, Minnesota


Luddington, Austin E. 24th Cav. Co.KLuddington, Flexton 109th Inf. Co.FLuddington, Harvey R. 179th Inf. Co.D
Luddington, Henry R. 19th Cav. Co.ILuddington, Matthew B. 161st Inf. Co.K, Capt.Luddington, Moses J. 1st Eng. Co.G, Cpl
Luddington, Murray 12th Inf. Co.HLuddington, Nelson 26th Inf. Co.CLuddington, Nelson 3rd Lt. Art. Btty.C
Luddington, Orien 82nd Inf. Co.DLuddington, Warren 141st Inf. Co.GLudington, Ira 5th Hvy.Arty. Co.C
Ludington, Ira 20th St.Mil. (100 days '61)Co.ALudington, Samuel A. (G/F) Lt.Arty. 8th Ind.BttyLudington, Swinton 85th Inf. Co.H
Ludington, Sylvester N. 85th Inf Co.KLudington, William T. Lt.Arty 8th Ind BttyLudington, George S. 5th Hvy.Arty. Co.C


Ludington, James S.
Pvt. Co.C, 4th Ohio Cavalry
Luddington, Henry
Pvt. 51st Infantry Regiment, Co. G
Ludington, James S.
12th Reg. Ohio Vol. Infantry
Luddington, Harrison
Pvt. Co. B 12th Reg. Ohio Vol. Infantry
Luddington, Charles C.
Sgt. Co. H., 30th Ohio Infantry
Luddington, George A.
Pvt. Co. H., 30th Ohio Infantry
Luddington, Isaac
12th Reg. Ohio Vol. Infantry

"NOTE" Source: Official Roster of the Soldiers of the State of Ohio


Ludington, Horace Zalmon - Captain
Ludington, Horace - Surgeon
Luddington, George - Corporal
Enlisted: 13 June 1861
Luddington, William - Private
Enlisted: 23 July 1861

Ludington, James H. - Sergeant
1st Reg. Wisconsin Hvy Art
Ludington, Henry - Private
Enlisted: 29 August 1864
Ludington, Franklin D. - Corporal
28th Reg. Wisconsin Inf

The Confederacy


William A. Luddington, 1st Cpl. Co.C. 1st Reg. Ga. Inf. (Olmstead's)May 30, 1861
William A. Luddington, pvt. Co. B. 8th Reg. Ga. Inf.August 19, 1861
William A. Luddington, 3rd Asst. Eng.,Conf. Provisional NavyJuly 4, 1863


James H. Luddington, Pvt. Co. A. 15th Texas CavalryJames S. Luddington, Pvt. Co. D., 14th Virginia Cavalry
Thomas b. Ledington, Pvt. Co. B. 11th Texas Cavalry


James Cavendish Ludington
West Virginia Infantry - Prisoner of War

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