Natasha Louise
May 7th, 1999
Tasha, you are truly the "Sunshine" of our lives.
Altho you are only 3 yrs old, you are such a great part of our lives, and you bring great sunshine to us all. From the way your little face lights up when you come bursting in the house, and find Nanny sitting right where you expect her, at the kitchen table, just waiting to see your shining the way you giggle when Poppa gives you big kisses and his moustache tickles your lip.
You have such fun with your Mommy and Daddy; watching WWF with Daddy, and asking him if its "time for a body slam"...silly girl! Telling Mommy you want to go home and help her do dishes...( THIS will change!) You keep them entertained with your wit and silliness.
You have a great sense of humor, for such a little girl, something I think you have inherited from your Poppa. You're always coming up with something to astound today, when Mommy said.."Tasha, I left something downstairs..." Your very flip answer, with a glint in your eye, a giggle in your voice, was..."well, go get it then". You knew she wanted you to get it, but you're too smart to fall for that!
We love the way you suddenly announce..."time for a bofus hug!" Poppa picks you up, and we all give each other one BIG hug! Never stop asking for those hugs, Tasha, we love hugging you, and the hugs you give us. Sometimes, when we ask for a hug, you say..."oh, not today"..and thats okay too, because next time you give us an extra big one.
The song playing, "You are my Sunshine" is special for Tasha and Nanny. Nanny sings it to you, and you've already learned most of the song, and you sing along. You also make sure NO ONE else sings it ... thats OUR song! LOL
Nanny loves the way you settle onto her lap, and sing your nursery rhymes with her, and especially when she sings "Hush Little Baby" to you, most of which you also know! You and I have built many castles with your blocks, colored many pages, and read books again and again. You love to bring out a BIG stack of books, say "Poppa, read to me" and snuggle up on Poppa's lap, while he patiently reads book after book to you, you are beginning to know some of them by heart now!
Never stop being you Tasha, we love you very, very, much, life would be awful dull without you!

Tigger and Pooh are bouncy happy and hanging around, waiting to celebrate with you!
Your kitty Danny has come to play, and say
Nanny and Poppa adopted this Guardian Angel, for OUR angel.
Special Thanks to Ms.Pandabear for creating the graphics for Tasha's special page.
(Tasha still examines the phone for the pandabear that talked to her!)