A Mother's Day Tribute
To the One I Love
May 9th, 1999
A Mother's Day Thought From Your Husband
I love you always
Sometimes I do a better job
of expressing it,
but the feeling is always there.
I want my love for you
to be the best that I can give.
Something to make you happy,
to be a home for you,
with the knowledge that you are
special and cared for.
You are my dream, my fantasy,
and in a sense my life with you
is my fondest wish come true.
Of course, being this close
means that you have to endure
the worst aspects of me
and suffer through the bad times
that others are spared,
but I need you then, too.
You are always appreciated.
I love you,
and I want to give to you
with all the intensity and feeling
that I experience because of you.
I want us to be
all that you ever want,
and I want you to feel
as loved as I know you are
in my heart.
Garry LaFollette
To My Wife, the Mother of Our Children
I can only begin,
and never finish,
letting you know,
what you have meant to me,
through the years,
You have been my mainstay,
My support
My friend, and my lover,
The Mother of our children,
you have been there for us,
whenever we needed you,
Through thick and thin,
good times and bad,
Mother and Wife,
Lover and Friend,
You are everything to me.
Kalven Insco
Thank you Sorcie for this wonderful Romantic Award
Background music is:
Could I have This Dance (for the rest of my life)