Syed Nabeel Farid
My Freinds
World of U2
Hi, I am Syed Nabeel Faid, I m 22, doing Bachelors in Computer Science from FAST-NU Karachi, Pakistan. I was suppose to be a Software Engineer but...I m a fun loving guy...
Computer Related, Softwares, Gym, Swimming...I m a Music Lover...U2 is my all time favourite...besides that i listen to all cool hindi stuff and Paki Pop...bla bla bla
well I got a real wonderful family,handsome dad,nice a couple of younger brothers,youngest one is the cutest thing on this planet i guess..:)..the other one is The Hero of our family..:)..besides that i have a real helpful elder far as freinds are concerned, Fahd is the best but rest are gr8 as well..all and all i got a happy family and cool freinds.
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