It's about time
I attempt to make a new web page
My old one has been here since 1999,
before I knew what the letters PSP
stood for
since then I've learned so much
Sometimes I know enough to get myself into trouble,
but not enough to get back out!'s my 2004 version of LindazPage!
September 27, 2005
Danny is sick and I've been putting his updates at night in a Yahoo360 blog, under my IndyOne name, because it will hold longer messages and pictures too.

My family all lives far away so internet is how we keep each other informed about these kinds of things.

So if you want to read it click the 360 button below and read the blog
I've also slammed together some scrap pages at my CDArsenist Webshots in the 'Pictures from Dialup' album
October 7, 2005
Danny got to come back home from the hospital.
So our blog
over on 360 may get boring again.
But we are glad to be back home!!
and now...we may actually get
some art lessons  OR scrapped pages posted again. =0)
Read my DreamBook guestbook!
Sign my DreamBook!
I guess I'll save this DreamBook Guestbook for later since I've not only figured out how to delete the entries from the first guestbook - I've also learned how to archive them so they aren't lost...too bad I didn't know all that when we had the old message boards with Aunt Bessie and Daddy's posts on them!