In the spring of 1938, I moved up to the Red River Valley,
from southern Minnesota, from a little farming town called Hartland, Minn.
My father had a grocery – café store but had gotten sick and the
doctor recommended to him that he should get out in the open air. So my
father, Edwin Kjonaas, bought a 160 acre farm four miles east of Georgetown,
Minn. My brother LaVerne and I moved up to the farm with dad and mom. In
the fall of 1941, my brother LaVerne was called into the army. Dad and
I farmed until the fall of 1944, when my dad had an auction and sold the
farmland to John Wilcutt. My father Edwin started painting and finally
built a little home in Georgetown where he and mom lived until their deaths.
Edwin passed away in 1958 and mom in 1964.
I married Bernice Stine in 1943 and Bernice and I moved
into Moorhead, Minn. where I got a job working for A. W. Hedlund owner
of the Coast to Coast store. I worked at the Coast to Coast store until
the spring of 1947, when my wife’s father Lonnie Stine suddenly passed
away. My wife and I then moved out to the farm of Lonnie Stine and I farmed
until the spring of 1969 when I had a farm auction and rented out the land.
Bernice and I lived on the farm sight. Later in 1974 we sold the land to
Earl Ingebretsen.
Bernice and I had 2 girls. Sandra who married John Johnson.
They had 3 children, Shaunda, Brandt, and Rachel and live in Canada. Our
youngest daughter, Pamela married Rick Olek. They have a girl Tina and
a son Keith and reside in Fargo, ND.
My brother Laverne came back from the Army in 1946 and
married my wife’s sister Esther Stine. LaVerne was a chef at the Fargo
Veterans Hospital. They had 3 children. Cathie, Lonnie, and Scott. Laverne
passed away in 1965. I also have a sister, Beatrice in North Mankato, Minn.
She married Leo Haack, who is deceased and she is now married to Ray Block.
Submitted by Richard Kjonaas from a copy of The Clay County
Family Album; Taylor Publishing Company; Dallas Texas: 1976 This
story was originally written by LeRoy Kjonaas.