Edwin Lea & Leonora (Sibilrud) Kjonaas
Edwin is the son of Ole A. Kjonaas
       Leonora Sibilrud married Edwin L. Kjonaas March 3, 1907 at Hartland, Minnesota on C.B. Sibilrud Farm, Nora's home.  They had 7 children 6 boys and a girl.  4 of the baby boys died in infancy, Harold, Charles, Vivian, Odean.  Living children Beatrice Eva Kjonaas born Oct. 9, 1912 at Harwell, Minnesota.  Ole LeRoy Ellsworth Kjonaas born Oct. 7, 1915 at Harwell, Minnesota.  LaVerne Elwin Kjonaas born Mar. 10, 1918 at Albert Lea, Minnesota.
    Ed & Nora stayed at Ed's home, living with his folks on the farm at Bottenau, North Dakota, after first years harevest was done, Ed and Nora moved to Farwell, Minnesota where Dad got a job as a rural mail carrier.  He carried mail for 6 years.  Ed's dad had quit farming and with his son Date, they moved to Albert Lea and Grandpa got a job at a garage called Motor's Inn, where he was a night watchman.  His son Date was always interested in car motors and he also got a job as an auto mechanic.  Dad was spending most of his Gov't wages taking care of his horses and finally decided to quit his mail carrier job and Grandma Kjonaas wrote saying she thought he could get a job at garage also.  So Dad and Mom moved to Albert Lea in 1914, Dad got a job at Motor Inn garge taking 6 volt batteries apart and re-making them.  Batteries in them days were fairly new and you could have a 6 volt battery taken apart and re-done for half the price of a new battery.  Batteries in them days had lead plates and was dad's job to take lead plates out and clean corrosion off and put together, with the black pitch tar, that held batteries together.  Dad's wages was $1.00 per hour.  He worked at garage until 1922.  He saw ad in news-paper of a restaurant for sale in Hartland, he drove up and looked at cafe.  He had bought a 1920 Chev. was 1 year old he also had bought a upright Victrola phonograph, which was new, with several records.  The fellow owning cafe wanted $1500.00 for cafe.  Dad went to Hartland Bank and asked if he could get a loan, banker asked what colloteral he had, dad said my house furniture 1 year old car and a phonograph.  Banker said o.k. I will give you a loan, so we moved to Hartland and we run cafe grocery store until 1938.  Dad had gotten the flu and flu left him with bad heart.  Doctor told dad to get out in fresh open air, Grandma wrote there was 160 acre farm for sale up at Georgetown Minn.  Dad drove up looked at it and bought it after selling cafe for $3500.00.  Dad paid $35.00 per acre for farm.  My brother Vern and me both were staying at home and helped Dad on farm.  Me, Bud or LeRoy had found a nice girl friend and in June 10 of 1943 was married to Bernice Stine.  LaVerne my brother had been drafted into service.  I had been called up 1 year before but was put in 4F account of having had a perforated ulcer surgery.  LaVerne spent clse to 3 years in serice in the South west Pacific War Theatre.  He was wounded and received the Purple Heart.  He was in 3 Island Invasion battles, he was a Heavy Artillery Machine Cunner.  LeRoy and Bernice had 2 girls Sandra and Pamela.

    Sandra married John Johnson in 1968, they had 4 children Shaunda, Brandt, Rachel and Zachery.

    Pamela married Richard Olek they have 2 children Teena and Keith.  Teena was married to Trevor Quickshiber and they have a son, Justin.

    LaVerne married Esther Stine in 1947.  They had 3 children Lonnie Lea Catherine and Scott.

    Lonnie married Dee Brokke they had a daughter Marne.  Lonnie and Dee had a divorce.  Lonnie married Joan ?.  They have 2 children Nicholaus and Abby Lynn.

    Scott married Becky and is divorced.

    Cathy is a Social worker and is getting married this year (1990).  Her and her husband John Rowell are divorced, they had 2 children Allison and Benjamin.

    Lonnie co-manages at Cafe.  Scott is  a Pizza Hut Supervisor.
Submitted by LeRoy Kjonaas
Typed by Jennifer Kjonaas

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