Here's where we keep our kewl cyberpets! It's kind of a ZOO in here! *G*

Meet Tweety! "I tawt I taw a puddy tat! I did! I did taw a puddy tat!" Proudly owned by Skye.

Qxl is from Jupitor. He was rescued from an alien orphanage and will be here to stay. Proudly rescued by §ox.

We have another pet from 7UP! The 7UP dot is here to stay!! Owned by Skye.

Tigger is hopping his way to see you today! All the way from Pooh corner in the 100 Acre Wood, he decided to stay here with §ox!

Kritter is just a little puppy. He was found in the cyber-pound, on death's door. He was rescued the day before his number was up and is now a happy puppy, always sniffing around for something to eat!

Rojjo (ro-HO) is Kritter's best bud! They were together at the pound and rescued the same day! Rojjo's favorite play toy is Neko, which kind of makes sense *g*.

Baby is Kritter's sister. She's much more friendly, and not quite so interested in food as he is! Baby is also much more courageous and loves to explore the whole house!

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