Father Daughter Tervurens
in loving memory-1954-1998
Hiya! This is my real kennel. Kestrel got his first point in September at the Bonanza Kennel Club in Carson City. The dog that he beat had beaten him the day before, showing under a country-renouned judge (can't think of her name right now...) And personally, I think she only picked the other dog because he had a LOT of coat for a 6 month old puppy. Kestrel was 100% out of coat at the show. The day I won my first point (and Kestrels) it was raining really really hard. The puppy's coat was rained down. hehehe.. So Kes got the points!!! I showed a Papillion and got Best In Group at the same match. I think with a little more distraction work, I could show him for his Canine Good Citizen and get it! This summer we also went to a herding competition and tested Kes's instinct, which he did REALLY good at!
Here's Kes's lineage-
CH After Shock Aquila's Gryphon CD PT
Aquila Faucon Crecerellette (commonly known as Kes)
CH Dasher's Snow Rose Anitra
Kes is related to Jonathan Of The Two, CH Perfect Of The Two, CH Ionesco De La Grande Lande, and 10 champions.
For those of you who don't even know who I'm talking about, a Belgian Tervuren is a type of herding breed. It is used to herd sheep and ducks, for visiting the sick, for obedience in all fields, ect.. the list goes on. This breed is so smart that they were used to carry messages across enemy lines during World War 2. Nearly all of them were wiped out. Now, thanx to a few selective breeders, this fantastic breed is becoming more popular. They are very active and find destructive ways to use their energy if they are not walked daily. They are a reserved breed, and very devoted to their owners. The Belgian varietys are Lakinois (LAK in wa), a fawn wire haired dog accepted by UKC; Gronendal (GRON en dal), also known as the Belgian Sheepdog, is a black long haired breed accepted by AKC; the Malinois (MAL in wa) is a short-haired dog that is often fawn or mahogany and always has a black face. It is accepted by AKC. The Tervuren (Te VER en) is a long-haired dog that is mahogany or fawn with a black overlay. It is accepted by AKC. All of the varietys are about 24" to 26" tall at the shoulder, females relatively smaller. The Lakinois is the only one with ears that hang. The Sheepdog, Malinois, and Tervuren all have prick ears.
Brittany Spaniel Kennel
We also have a Brittany or more commonly known at my house a Bobey *g* Our Brit's a female, one year old who is going to show at the upcoming matches and *hopefully* at the show in September too! I've gone over her standard a lot of times and I really cant see any serious faults, except that her eyes are lighter than the judges want them. But then, I'm really not a Brittany fancier, it's more of my mom's hobby. She might be bred in her next heat, if so I'll tell ya! My mom wants me to put something on here about anyone online buying any, but if she's bred I'll put a form on, if not, just letting you know. She's a line bred dog, her dam being her sire's dam also. Here's a little of her pedigree:
DC Chick's Blaze'N Sawtooth Sam JH
Nevada's Sawtooth Mac
Bumper's Miss Molly
***Bojangles XXXV (commonly known as Bobey)
RJ's Rimrock Bandit
Bumper's Miss Molly
RJ's High Sierra Sugar
She has a lot of champions in her 3 generation pedigree, many of which are also Field Champions!! She was born with a lot of nose, if you know what I mean, and she really thinks cats are birds! LOL! But once she caught a bird out in our backyard and chewed it up a little, but not bad enough to really taste it, just enough to quiet it down until we got there and took it away. It still could fly away after we brought Bobey in the house!
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