This site is intense on graphics because it's got lots of photos of all our
family's pets.
That in mind - Enjoy! :-)

Pictures of my piggies, past and present, 
also infomation on care, health and general piggy stuff.

If you really like guinea pigs go to The Guinea Pig Hutch 
where you can adopt a cyber guinea pig for your webpage!

Pictures of my three rats, Alpha, Omega and Fleck. 
Rattie links, how to look after a rat, rat ailments and 
health care.

You can go see Jessie's very own page; 
Jessica's Warm Patch

Lots of photos of my baby puss, Jessie, when she was a 
little fluffy bumpkins (watch out or this gooey talk will go nuts) 
and pictures of her now, kitten pictures from my Mum's 
calender, 1998 Cats. Also pictures of our new kittens 
Ted and Tom.

Ok this is a big one, there's pictures (and details 
about) of our numerous bunns how to say rabbit in 
whatever language you want (soon this will be done for 
all catorgories) bunny care, bunny links, and general 
looking after your little cotton tails.


Like what you've seen? Tell me about it in my Dreambook