Let me know you stopped by for a looksee by signing my guestbook.

Peter Urbani - 07/11/00 11:59:46
My Email:www.peter@jansen.co.nz
Your favorite GeoCities home page?: yours
Your favorite movie for this year?: definetly not mission imp2
Your favorite TV show?: Friends
Your favorite song/artist: "with or without you" U2
Your favorite sport/team?: New Zealand All Blacks
Thought for the day:: If i really really believe I know I can achieve

What a cool site!!,I was having a bad day untill I saw your site,excellent,very cool Take Care

Christine - 03/07/00 23:51:35
My Email:christine.grove@btinternet.com

Thanks for sharing your cats with the rest of us cat lovers. My three, Monty (15), Oliver (12) and Gus (don't know - he just moved in one day), say hello to all of your beauties.

j.pierre - 11/24/99 12:44:44
My Email:jeanpierren@netscape.net
Thought for the day:: misse you


DR.OOPS - 11/15/99 22:06:54
My Email:clownman3@aol.com
Your favorite GeoCities home page?: your ponder page made me want to cry.
Your favorite movie for this year?: love story
Your favorite TV show?: angles
Your favorite song/artist: i will remember you
Your favorite sport/team?: foorball, Fl gators
Thought for the day:: laugh today because it the first day forever.

I loved your web site you put alot of time in to it. I really hope we can be friends for a real long time. are you the lady in the water with a red shirt on?

Yudi Delgado - 11/11/99 19:42:59
My Email:ydelga@lsumc.edu
Your favorite movie for this year?: The Seventh Sense
Your favorite TV show?: Friends
Your favorite song/artist: Lady In Red/Chris ?
Your favorite sport/team?: none


terry - 11/05/99 18:50:31
My Email:yo_yo_22@hotmail.com

see ya on Icq

Ron Bailey - 09/16/99 04:32:02
My Email:raeiasy@hotmail.com
Your favorite movie for this year?: star wars: # 1
Your favorite song/artist: jesus is love
Your favorite sport/team?: Saints


Liz Williams - 06/16/99 13:17:51
My Email:ewilli4@lsumc.edu

I've enjoyed what I've seen.

joan duckworth - 03/31/99 21:32:38
My Email:alhpjbs@lsumc.edu

Where is your write up for Toby? Joan

Krissy & Joe - 10/18/98 19:36:46
My Email:krissjoe@worldchat.com
Your favorite movie for this year?: Annaconda
Your favorite TV show?: X Files
Your favorite song/artist: happy together/turtles
Your favorite sport/team?: contact sports
Thought for the day:: Maybe I like being crazy!

We have different critters of all types. Shelly, our blandings turtle is hard to find info on. Anyone who can tell us anything would help us out alot.

Alan Frey - 10/08/98 19:59:58
Your favorite GeoCities home page?: Lujuana's, of course
Your favorite movie for this year?: Godfather - i don't care what year it is
Your favorite TV show?: Seinfeld
Your favorite song/artist: Michael Jackson
Your favorite sport/team?: LSU Tigers
Thought for the day:: cant think of anything profound

OK, Lujuana I filled it out as promised

10/04/98 11:56:11
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

- 09/02/98 04:33:35


Capt.Richard - 08/26/98 04:25:24
My URL:http://geocities.com/BourbonStreet/Bayou/3131
My Email:captrich@bellsouth.net
Your favorite GeoCities home page?: need i say?
Your favorite movie for this year?: G.I. JANE
Your favorite TV show?: Jeopardy
Your favorite song/artist: One In A Million/Larry Graham
Your favorite sport/team?: Basketball/Utah Jazz
Thought for the day:: Do unto others as u would have them do unto you

Very nice page.........very informative and i will be coming back for more.

donna ponder buras - 07/22/98 18:09:23
My Email:ponder _ 2 @hotmail.com
Your favorite GeoCities home page?: Yours -- its the only one I've seen.
Your favorite movie for this year?: None-they are all sorry.
Your favorite TV show?: Same as above.
Your favorite song/artist: Can't think right now. Lump in my throat from looking at your home page.
Your favorite sport/team?: None- I hate all sports.
Thought for the day:: Lord, don't let me stumble, Don't let me fall and quit, Lord, please help me find my job And help me shoulder it. By: Helen Stiener Rice

It's a beautiful thought -- you've done a good job! Mother and Daddy would think so too! Your Sis.

Denice Phillips - 07/22/98 18:03:41
My Email:edphill@hotmail.com
Your favorite GeoCities home page?: yours
Your favorite movie for this year?: Titanic is the only one I've seen.
Your favorite TV show?: Everybody Loves Raymond
Your favorite sport/team?: none
Thought for the day:: Is it 2:00 yet?

Lajuanna, Neat page I'll have to get one now!

sis - 07/06/98 21:38:04
Thought for the day:: Tired

Enjoyed being with you and David for the weekend. Looking forward to seeing you soon. I am ready for some watermelon and swimming. Cindy is ready to go skiing for the winter. Love ya!

Cindy - 07/06/98 19:15:16
Your favorite GeoCities home page?: yours

I enjoyed your homepage the graphics and the poem. Just wanted to let you know how much Ilove you and I had a wonderful time with everybody this weekend. I will write more when I have time. So long and God Bless, Cindy

Barbara Goldsworthy - 04/02/98 17:48:47
My Email:Bgolds@lsumc.edu
Your favorite movie for this year?: Titanic
Your favorite TV show?: 700 Club
Your favorite song/artist: Theme Song form Titanic
Your favorite sport/team?: Baseball
Thought for the day:: The Lord is Good

I am getting ready to go to Oxford, Mississippi with Jeanie and Imogen. John is always working so I am going with them. Leaving tonight at 6:00. Just staying Friday all day.

Joan Schuman - 04/01/98 20:06:37
My Email:alhpjbs@lsumc.edu
Your favorite GeoCities home page?: never travelled there
Your favorite movie for this year?: have not been this year
Your favorite TV show?: Profiler
Your favorite song/artist: 12th of never; johnny mathes
Your favorite sport/team?: baseball; baltimore orioles
Thought for the day:: Excessive details obsecures the absence of specifics!

Lajuana - What are you doing out here in cyberspace? Is this comment section a chat room? Whatever your salary, you are underpaid. Your "boss' needs to be careful, hence, you will be off on a new adventure outside of the LSUMC sphere.

Debbie Justrabo - 03/31/98 15:23:00
My Email:forgotten so soon??
Your favorite GeoCities home page?: YOURS!!
Your favorite movie for this year?: TITANTIC--when i see it!
Your favorite TV show?: Drew Carey
Your favorite song/artist: Carmina Burana (I GOT CLASS)
Your favorite sport/team?: CCSC Gators
Thought for the day:: Ponder this--if you think the price of education is expensive, try ignorance.

I'm am totally impressed with your knowledge of HTML. I'm JEALOUS!!

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