to my kennel in the Web!
Let me introduce myself:
My name is Flash. I am almost three years old (no, I am not a gifted child, I am actually dictating this to my dad, he does the translation also, from Boxerese to English). I guess by now you are really confused, sorry...
Let's begin again:
My name is Flash and I am a dog (a real one, look for no second interpretations here). To be more presice, I am a Boxer and people know me as "The Handsome Boy" :-)
(Note from the translator: Don't waste your time trying to find any modesty in Flash. He has none).
With time I'll make this page more colourful (who said we see in B&W!!??) and interesting. For the time being I could only put together some pictures.
Are you ready?
Now, the only way I could talk my dad into making me this page was to promise him I would lend him some space for some of his serious stuff,
so here it is...
Tips to belong to a mailing list without a major headache
Some words about Flash:
Flash has been my pal since he was three months. Almost from the
beggining he has health problems, ranking from mild to concerning. At
one time or another of his life he was diagnosed as having
megaesophagus, food allergies, a probable portosystemic shunt,
spondylosis, a mild case of hip displacia, epilepsy, hypothyroidism
and a pretty resistant infection in his anal glands. After going
through a lot of tests, useful and useless treatments the diagnoses
that persist are: spondylosis, idiophatic epilepsy and irritable
bowel syndrome.
Every time a vet suggested a probable cause for some of his clinical
signs I rushed to the computer to see what I could find in the net. I
can assure you this has saved Flash from unnecesary medications (and
surgery) several times (but not all the times I would have like to).
I am not going to make a judgement about vets in general. You can
find good ones and bad ones. In either case, you can help yourself,
your dog and your vet a lot by doing the same thing that brought you
here: Research.
If you are here reading this you certainly have a computer and the
odds are you know how to search in the net. This is a time consuming
job. These are two resources that several vets lack. Use them
judiciously and generously.
If you are looking for general information about dogs, I think a good place to start is www.k9web.com
If you are looking for information about Canine Epilepsy, some people
have put together wonderful links collections, here are a couple of them:
For questions, comments or suggestions contact me at aselene@geocities.com
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