UDC / CSA Jewelry
All jewelry designed and Hand Made by
Hope E. Bird
All profits received by the Rockbridge UDC Chapter #2568
are donated to the Virgina Division College Scholarship Fund, gifts to the
recipents of the Mrs. Norman V. Randolph Relief Fund, and the
Caroline Meriwether Goodlett Library.
Lapel Pin, 12k, $12.00
Earrings, double btn dangle, One Sm.Button top, one Lg. Button $15.00 (pierced or clip)
Sm.Double Button, dangle 12k, $15.00 (pierced or clip)
Stick Pin, $10.00,
Lg. Button
Earrings,(pierced or clip), 12k post, $10.00
Sm. or Lg. Button Charm, $10.00
Barrette, $15.00
4 Sm. Buttons and 1 Lg. Button or 5 Sm. Buttons
Tie Tac, Sm. Button $10.00
Cuff Links $15.00
Bracelet (approx. 7 3/4" ) $30.00
Necklace with pendant $15.00
Order Form
Type Of Button:
(select one) CSA, VMI, VPI, W&L, US Army
Button Size: Small (approx. 5/8") or Large (approx. 7/8")
Please place all orders through this page by e-mail or print this page and mail to:
Send orders to: Betty Jo King 249 Low Bridge Lane Lexington, Virgina 24450 (540) 463-6802
Please add $4.50 for Shipping.
For a Brochure listing these and other items available, send a SASE to the above address.
UDC Member: Yes / No
All profits received by the Rockbridge UDC Chapter #2568
are donated to the Virgina Division College Scholarship, Relief, and Library Funds.
Payment in full required for all orders.
Make checks payable to Treasurer, Rockbridge UDC Chapter # 2568
Allow 2-3 weeks for delivery.
This page is maintained by
Sam King, Webmaster
There have been
visitors to this page.
Last revised April 22, 2000