Valerie's Page
This is the adorable Valerie Rose Laixi, Mindy's new little one. She was born on September 24, 1997. When this picture was taken Valerie was residing at the Wuhu Orphanage in the town of Wuhu, Anhui Province. Her Chinese name is Wu Laixi which means "happiness to come." In March of 1998 she was 25 inches tall and weighed 13 pounds.
Valerie's Chinese name (Laixi):
A picture of Mindy, Valerie's mom, at Lake Tahoe in 1997.
Mindy and Valerie at the American Consulate in Guangzhou.
Mindy, her sister Roberta and Valerie at the Hard Rock Cafe in Guangzhou.
Valerie in her luxury model stroller, looking very comfortable.
A picture of Cara, Valerie and Kate (from left to right) on a tram ride at Meadow Farm Park in September 1998. Debra with the pigtails is behind Kate. Thanks to John (Valerie's uncle) for the photo.
Another picture of the girls on the tram with Cara at the helm. From left to right are Debra, Cara, Kate and Valerie. Thanks again to Valerie's uncle John for the picture.
Still another picture of the girls on the tram ride. Debra looks like she is wondering if the guy running the ride (Jim) really knows what he's doing.
A picture of Valerie at 11 months old (August 1998) playing on the floor.
Valerie relaxing at home.
Valerie's first portrait - looking very cute.
Another portrait of Valerie.
Taken in October 1998 just as Valerie found the perfect pumpkin.
A smile from Valerie captured in November 1998.
Here's Valerie, the piano wiz - taken at her grandarents' house at Thanksgiving 1998. She gave concerts and lead everyone in applause.
A closeup with a big smile - taken on Thanksgiving 1998.
Christmas 1998.
Here's one in Valerie's silk dress from Beijing - looks like she's ready to direct an orchestra or recite a speech.
Here's one of Valerie in a white "bubble" outfit, riding a trike.
Easter 1999 - portrait #1.
In this Easter 1999 portrait, Valerie is holding a LIVE bunny rabbit!! Her teachers said she enjoyed holding it so much and had such a grip on it, the photographer had to rescue the bunny! Could it be that she has been watching too much Teletubbies?
Here is one of Valerie and her mom on Easter Sunday.
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