
A nasty storm brewing on the Outer Banks of North Carolina. I could be wrong, but it looks almost like a tornado was about to pop out of those clouds.

Fortunately it didn't.






One of the horses that used to roam freely around Corolla on the Outer Banks of North Carolina.





Another shot of the horses in Corolla. They have been moved to a less populated area north of Corolla. It was nice to have the horses roaming among the beach houses, but there were occasionally some problems with humans and horses occupying the same space.




Dan at the beach. Yes, he has clothes on.




Janet taking off on a parasailing adventure.






Kathy and Roger with us and multiple dogs at Crabtree Falls in Western Virginia.





Dan, Roger, Kathy, Peggy, Jim and dogs near the summit of White Top Mountain in southwestern Virginia. It was a lovely, dry, sunny day.




One of the beach houses that we frequent on the Outer Banks of North Carolina.




I just don't know.


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