Wolf Den 

Not far from the lake is a small cave.
For a
hundred years it has remained this way.
The wolves
moved in and made it their home.
A safe place
to hide and to raise their young.
They do not
kill out of hate or revenge.
They are
just trying to survive and protect their den.
The old and
the injured that will die anyway.
These are the animals upon which
they prey.
They howl at
the moon and sing their sweet song.
closely at night, you just might hear one.
It would be
a shame if they were all gone .
A sad,sad
memory of what man has done.
Written By:

The wolf is one
of Gods most majestic creatures and is not the killer
\that many have
been led to believe. So please sign a petition today to
help save these
magnificent creatures. If you want to show you care
please go to this
site and read the facts then help us all save the
wolves. The only
enemy a Wolf has is Man. Let that not be their final
epitaph. thank
White Wolves

Please check out
the photo gallery

Wolf Sites:
Searching Wolf
Education And Research Center
Roma's Space

Win My
If you are
interested in applying for my award,
then e-mail
me with the full url. I will check out
your site.
If you meet the standards I have set,
then I will
e-mail you the award. Please no
porn sites
as they will not qualify. Thank you.

The Midibass golden award was made for me compliments
of The Enchanted Princess. Thanks Hon.
To win her awards
Please visit
Donna Le's Enchanted Garden
Of Poetry.

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Midibass Creations Thank You.

Happy Surfing. Midibass.
Many thanks to White Wolves for the
use of the wolf pic on my backgrounds.