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To My Awards Page:

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Below you will find the awards my site has won so far.
To all those who visit and have kindly given me an award,
I thank you very much.

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If you would like to apply for my award then Please
E-mail me with your url and I will check out your site.

Send Mail to Me

Thank You. Midibass.
My Sample awards are at the bottom of this page.

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 beautiful.gif (7304 bytes)     d1award.jpg (13127 bytes)     huntaward2.gif (24531 bytes)

marriann.gif (16422 bytes)         donnaheart.gif (6519 bytes)       mta.jpg (28911 bytes)

Please visit My site       Please Visit My Site

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puga.jpg (15977 bytes)      awardexc.jpg (48517 bytes)

Visit my site    Visit My site   img7d.gif (23446 bytes)

Hidden Treasure's Excellent Site Award       awd2cwg.jpg (24266 bytes)

Please Visit My Site         

Advice Angel

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My Sample awards:

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midibass1.jpg (21930 bytes)  mawards.jpg (10661 bytes)

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The Golden Midibass  award was compliments of The Enchanted Princess.
Thank You.

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