Welcome to our Guestbook
David Lacson de Leon - 12/28/00 03:48:43
My Email:duy@philwebinc.com
Happy Holidays to all of you!!!
- 12/01/00 14:16:58
Serge A. Montinola - 11/08/00 14:18:34
My Email:seramonjr@hotmail.com
Hoy, here in good 'ole Bohol, not too many guests except a few Japanese women I got drunk with. Change the pictures man! Why don't you want anyone to know you have another family? Oooppps! How is Frank "Budaduda"? I heard he left Herbalife since the owner
died of natural causes at 44? Yup, those herbs will kill ya. Wow, havent been back to Manila lately, so damn broke man since this idiot of a president of ours is fu....g up our economy and having all those ugly children everywhere, okay except Jackie. Wel
, got to go again, wipe the sand off my feet, walk down the beach with whoever woman is left over that can walk, then work all over again. Later, man. Hugs and kisses to the wife and kiddies, whichever one, okay.
Romeo G.Lacson - 04/11/00 08:30:56
My Email:RGlacson@AOL.com
You're good and , God Bless You, bye.
PauL Lacson and Lisa Lu, children eldest Nathaniel Jarret Earl, Nicole Dominique, Nigel Jansen Earl - 04/11/00 08:23:13
My Email:PaulC.Lacson@telus.net
The family picture is awesome. Mukha kayong mga taga showbiz. By the way we are from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. We are the clan of Romeo Geda Lacson from San Francisco, California. This Lacson are descendant of Guilliermo Lacson in the 1800's.
We would like to post our pictures too. My daughter Nicole is a Canadian Actra member. In short artista sa hollywood. Currently she stop making movies because she has to finish school first. She played Bonnie Butkis in the movie it takes two. also, s
e did some TV shows in the past. She was a print model in Toronto. Nathaniel is currently in her second year at Simon Fraser University (pre-med). He made it top three in the B.C. provincials for 1999. Nigel the baby of the family keeps his A average.
ustong gumaya kay kuya. Paul works for the airline company and I am a nurse. I was a former flight attendant for Philippine Airlines from Davao City. I work for Pal for thirteen years. Worked as a flight attendant with Canada 3000 Airlines, became a fli
ht instructor in Canada, and later went back to school to be a nurse. So that's our story line. We don't have any relatives here in B.C.. If you want to write to us please do. Paul is mahiyain, ayaw magbigay nang story niya. We are all well at I'm su
e kayo din. visit us here...see yah!
Paul and Lisa Lu Lacson - 04/11/00 08:04:00
Pinky lacson Barraquio - 02/22/00 09:53:40
My Email:wellden@lgn.pworld.net.ph
Hi! to you & to your family, My dad is from Silay Negros, according to him we belong from Locsin, Lacson & montilebano clan. Thats all best ragards to ure cute kids.
Fred Manabat - 02/04/00 18:44:24
Jim & Marl,
Kumusta na kayo? Napakaganda ang website ninyo especially ang mga bata. Anyway pupunta kami ni Trif diyan itong buwan(Next Week), magkitakita tayo, Happy Valentines sa inyong pamilya. Fred
rick gomez - 12/30/99 18:33:09
My Email:rick@integrityfilms.com
pretty impressive. dom't have anything that slick.
By the Jimbo, you look exactly the same. Nice family! I'll be in touch
Lindsay Lacson - 10/05/99 20:05:54
My Email:epplepie@aol.com
Hi! This is so cool, the Lacson Family actually has a website. I also found out from www.lacson.com that we're all descendants of 3 brothers who came from mainland China.
I was wondering where is your hotel business located?
- 05/03/99 02:31:54
jzann lacson - 04/16/99 10:50:26
My Email:mikmik15@yahoo.com
no comments!!!!!
basta lacson tisoy!!!!!!!!
Lucia Jennifer G. Figdor - 01/29/99 04:05:55
My Email:swiss_miss@mailcity.com
Are you related to the Lacson's of Bacolod? My great-grandfather is Aniceto Lacson, my grandmother is Margarita Lacson Gemperle, my Mom is Alice G. Figdor. The Aniceto Lacson descendants are having a reunion on the 30th of January at #141 Pinaglabanan S
reet, San Juan (in front of the Church. Hope to see you there!
NIKOLAI LACSON - 01/05/99 15:38:35
My Email:nimini-82.nick@mailcity.com
Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments:
Hi there unlce and family!I called u that 'cause I'm only 16yrs.old.It's nice to know that the Lacson's are conquering the net.By the way,I'm the son of Louis Anthony "Boy" Lacson,son of JOSE TORRES LACSON.I'm starting a career here in the showbiz world.I
ll be in full blast after our graduation here in Don Bosco Mand.Hope that you can watch "BEST FRENDS"(wed.group) on GMA7 even 4 just sometime(cause I'm a member
jaddie Lacson - 12/09/98 13:29:57
My Email:jlacs@amkor.com
Do you know Eduardo Lacson???
Lisa Mapua - 12/08/98 15:38:13
My Email:lisamaps@skyinet.net
Hey, "Hoy!" Ultra kewl! Brings truth to the old saying: "Idle hands become sleepless techies." Great job!
Jerry & Michelle Lacson - 11/26/98 05:59:13
My Email:jlacson@baynetworks.com
Nice web site!
We're trying to reconstruct our part of the family tree... any suggestions? Thanks.
Incidentally, we live in Chardon, OH (Cleveland suburb); we have three kids -- Michael (6), Caleb (3) and Carissa (1).
Peter Lacson - 11/25/98 19:57:11
My Email:placson@library.ucla.edu
Hey Jimbo,
Meron ba tayo diyan!Hope you still remember me. Betsy Villareal's husband, your uncle sa tuhod. I am one of the grandsons of the Rosendo(Horny)Lacson. I don,t know where your parents belong in this big clan since I don't know your dad's name. I have a cop
of the big family tree which my cousin Arcenio Lacson Jr. has been working on for years. Maybe I can track our bloodline and if you need more info on our relatives I can ask Arcenio Jr. to get in touch with you. Nice photos! you still look the same but a
little more mature. Betsy and I have three kids now. Gabriella Isabel 9 yrs old, Toninio Martin 5 yrs old and Miguel Andreas 11 mos. They all look so "Bisoy". You're not missing a lot about life in L.A., you're better off in Manila!...The website is great
and a very good idea to serve the whole clan..Galing! Pete
Chito A. - 11/23/98 17:54:06
My Email:chase@starnet.net.ph
Very creative! (I'm sure it's eventually going to get more sophisticated - busisi!) but as Tita Oh sezs you missed a spelling! Anyway I was able to get an idea.....
How about making my webpage?!?!
vheenona - 11/19/98 05:08:25
My Email:vheeb@yahoo.com
great profile!
jzanna koi lacson - 11/17/98 09:20:49
My Email:jzannacute@eudoramail.com
i love your site i really appreciate what
you made.......how cute are your son and daughter?
thanx alot!!!
love:koi lacson
Awoo - 09/25/98 04:47:00
My URL:http://www.hotmail.com
My Email:awoo7@hotmail.com
impressed with your creativity and sense of familiness. this just proves atheists are no stereo-types. more power to you and your family. peace man!
Peter Montinola - 09/25/98 02:53:35
My Email:peterm@hafa.net.gu
Hey Bud! Thanks for sparing us the mug shot! (-: Great Site/Idea. Andrew Gayle has one of these, check it out. He updated it with new Pics from the wedding. Take care and give the kids big hugs from us. See you whenever!
Ernie - 09/24/98 18:00:15
ern - 09/24/98 17:59:46
Rod and Dina Jacob - 09/24/98 10:23:05
My Email:rjacob@ite.net
Great site. We can't wait to come see you all again. You remind us of the Cleavers (with maids)!
Rod and Dina Jacob - 09/24/98 10:22:20
My Email:rjacob@ite.net
Great site. We can't wait to come see you all again. You remind us of the Cleavers!
Rod and Dina Jacob - 09/24/98 10:20:35
My Email:rjacob@ite.net
Great site. We can't wait to come see you all again!
RJ Sarthou - 09/24/98 07:50:23
My Email:RJ.Sarthou@Chase.com
This idea is awesome. The website is so cool. I have got to make me one of this.
Maite Duarte - 09/23/98 19:01:35
My Email:mgduarte@mx3.redestb.es
Hi Marilou and Jim!!! I think your page is great. I really enjoyed reading it---- You guys look so guapos in the pics. I think this is a really good idea. Nice work. Maite (nananawagan)
Nico Montinola - 09/23/98 15:01:49
My URL:http://www.abs-cbn.com
My Email:nicom@skyinet.net
Makes me want to make our own web page! Never knew you would want to risk being out there in The Net. How 'bout having a page for your friends so we can send you our pics, too?!
Serge M. - 09/23/98 12:49:27
My URL:http://www.tambuli.com
My Email:seramonjr@hotmail.com
Hey folks,
S..t, I thought Marl married a white guy, so who's
the guy on the picture. Anyway, nice to know that you are all okay and using this net to further the understanding of our life and country. By the way, Geocities also houses several Pinay Pic Peeks pages that may interest you. May you all have happy and f
uitful lives. See you folks soon.
VAL SUAREZ - 09/23/98 12:10:40
My Email:vabsuarez@pdx.rpnet.com
Great site! Liked the picures and the story of the civilized living in Manila. But you didn't finish the story Jim. Remember, staggering home at 3 AM the following morning because "THE HIGHWAY WAS CLOSED!"
Maricris L. Alvarez - 09/23/98 10:42:15
My Email:cris2667@evoserve.com
Nice work!! Really enjoyed your homepage and loved the pictures.Regards to Marilou and the kids.
Jovy Lacson - 09/23/98 09:34:28
My Email:jovy@ite.net
We all enjoyed your home page. Isabella got excited when she saw Alex. I want to see your handicap next time. Will check in from time to time.
Good Job!!!!
Titah Oh - 09/23/98 08:44:44
My Email:olivep@ibm.net
Not bad, old bloke, 'cept that you misspelled "occasionally". The first picture shows you in a "very dark light", so to speak. Got it?