Welcome to My Police Page!

This is Dedicated to All The Police Officers All Over The World and To My Special Friends

A Police Officer's Wife's Prayer

Dear Lord, please give my husband courage and wisdom~
Be his eyes and ears and guide his steps throughout this day~
And most of all send your angels to protect him and keep him sympathetic and kind in your ever loving way~
I'm asking you for your blessing for my husband as he proudly serves you and his fellow man~
And when he feels as though he's failed, I ask you to help him understand~
May he be a brother to all police officers, an example to his peers~
Keep him free from harassments and protect him from all fears~ May he know through my prayer that I love him and he is my life~
And whatever he has chosen to do or be, I'm proud to be his wife~~

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Police Info on Keeping Kid's Safe on the Internet!

New York State Police

Cop's On Line