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New Covenant Youth Ministry

Led by Pastor Chris and Lisa Frith

Our desire is to challenge young people to be living examples of Jesus Christ in everything they say and do, in their public and private lives, while providing an atmosphere of Christian love and security based on the truth of God's Word.

We seek to encourage the youth in their personal faith through discipleship programs, retreats, ministry opportunities, and area evangelism.

We hope you'll come join us as we exalt the Lord together, desiring His intimate Presence! ..."This is the generation that will seek Him, that will seek His face"...

Gathering Times!

Sunday School-9:30 a.m. All teens are invited for Bible study and discussion.
Sunday Nite Live!-5:30-7:00 p.m. Exciting youth service; come lift up the name of Jesus through praise and worship, personal testimonies, the Word of God, and more!
Intensive Care Unit-(bi-weekly Wednesday night care group, 7:00 p.m.) Meet in various youth's homes for sharing, prayer and care time.
Special Activities-we have a variety of fun things planned each month. For more information, contact the New Covenant Church Youth Office. As youth calenders are released each month, this information will be updated on this web site.

Important Dates for Upcoming Youth Activities!

Check back here soon for photos of our youth.

One of our youth has pulled together a really great web site that will introduce you to many of our youth and it has links to all their web sites, email addresses, photos and instant message ID's. Check it out here!

Email us!

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Created: Friday, March 27, 1998, 05:57 PM Last Updated: July 19, 1998, 5:48 PM