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Women's Ministry of New Covenant Church
The Women's Ministry of New Covenant Church is one of celebration with a purpose! We have been called to be Christ's hands, feet, and voice to share the Good News that abundant life is available to all who will accept His gift of eternal life and His gifts of the spirit.
We desire to bridge the gap between older and younger women; between single and married women, between women employed outside the home and those who are exclusively homemakers. We believe we have a mission to serve needs in our Church that women are uniquely gifted to fulfill, while providing opportunities to use individual gifts and talents God has given. So come and let us enjoy the sisterhood that we share in Christ Jesus!
Each month a guest speaker is invited to share with the ladies of New Covenant Church and other ladies at a night meeting-September through May. This is a time of fun, fellowship and ministry with the Lord. It's also a time of getting to know one another in a more personal way.
The Christmas banquet with friends and members and a weekend retreat at Norman Park are highlights of each year.
Upcoming Events
- May 17 at 7 pm: Please join us for our Ladies Meeting with special speaker Martha Grice. She has ministered all over the U.S. and in 17 countries throughout the world. We encourage you to try to be with us, as it will be our last scheduled meeting until September,1999.
The Women's Ministry is currently served by a board of ladies:
Claudia Crocker, head
Frances Tomlinson
Joan Caldwell
Juanita Kilgore
Pokey Bradshaw
Sara Ball
Beginning June 1st, Frances Tomlinson will become head of the women's ministry. She is an intercessor, one who walks in the fear of the Lord and understands what pleases and displeases Him. She is one of God's friends who will go before Him on your behalf.
The women of the church would like to thank Claudia Crocker for faithfully fulfilling her role as head of the women's ministry these last three years. We grew together and accomplished much with your leadership, Claudia. The Lord continue to bless you!
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