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Children's Ministry of New Covenant Church

Led by Jill Hunter

The goal of the Children's Ministry here at New Covenant Church is to develop, plan and execute to the best of our ability, a ministry to our children, and to have an effective, Spirit-filled, Christ-honoring, child centered ministry to all the children of our church.

Apart from an on-going Sunday School curriculum, we provide an exciting Children's Church program during our Sunday morning service. Our Children's Ministry Team initiates and oversees ongoing projects such as musical and dramatic productions in an effort to develop the Arts and discover the children's talents and giftings. We have planned monthly activities and/or outings as well as hosting a yearly Harvest Party, Resurrection Party and Vacation Bible School as a means of reaching out to the community around us.

Needless to say, we are excited about what God is doing in and through our children's lives, and hope that yours will come and visit us while you are here.

We hope to provide some great links to kidsafe Bible sources on the internet for you to explore...

Children's Church News

led by Margaret Sutton

A Prayer, An Idea, and God

Beginning July 13th, at New Covenant Church, there will be a transformation. Tents will rise, colorful banners will be displayed, sounds, music, sights and smells will tell us we are in a different land, a different time.

Marketplace 29 AD began two years ago, when God was saying no Vacation Bible School this year. It seemed clear that in seeking God, we were not to do the "out of the can" work just because it was always done. Fortunately our leadership trusted that declaration and continued prayer brought forth the Family Fun Weekend last August. Also, during that summer, several of us attended Marketplace 29 AD in Tallahassee, in Chattanooga, Tennessee and in Thomasville at St. Thomas Episcopal. We felt God's preparation and trusted His leading for our own Marketplace-in 1999.

God continued to reveal His desire to do family things and yet go deep into who we are in Him. Therefore, Children's Church took a new direction-we began studying our Biblical Roots in Jesus. In October '98, we celebrated The Feast of Tabernacles with a family covered dish supper and sat around a bonfire.

Also, our Christmas Celebration was casual but family-focused as we witnessed a live Nativity at sundown, enjoyed a family picnic and sang Christmas carols. So here we are, now fulfilling the next part of the plan-Marketplace 29 A.D. for New Covenant Church. And best of all, families continue to be the heart of God's plan, from the Tribes of Israel to participating in Marketplace on Friday, July 16.

I heartily thank all of you who answered God's call to help accomplish Marketplace 29 A.D. Yes, all of you have been prayed for and chosen, and I believe drawn by God to participate. Your efforts will continue to make real the life and times of Jesus to our children and to you!

Email for more information about children's activities
<bgsound src="jesusluv.mid">
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