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to the home page of

New Covenant Church

Thomasville, GA

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Our Mission:


We are an inter-denominational church, founded in 1975, of spirit filled people who long for renewal in their personal lives and salvation for those who have no relationship with God.

It is our hope that those who visit and attend our church will enter fully into worship, be free in their response to the presence of Christ, be open to the ministry of the Holy Spirit and find us to be simply fellow travelers in learning what it means to walk with God. Whether you are visiting from out of town, or looking for a church family with whom you can regularly worship, we want New Covenant Church to be an unforgettable experience for you.

Our life together is shaped by our corporate desire to know God intimately, to know one another and to make God known to our community and world. We want you to be significantly shaped in who you are by relationships you have here.

We have prepared this web site in the hope of answering many of your questions. If you have others, please call or email us.

Thank you for your interest in us.

Steve Bradshaw, Senior Pastor

Pastor Steve Bradshaw

New Covenant's Senior Pastor, Steve Bradshaw


email linkEMAIL US HERE!
48 Patterson Still Spur, E
Thomasville, Georgia 31757
Phone: (912) 226-3246
Fax: (912) 226-5507
Located on the corner of Highway 19N and Highway 84 bypass


Sunday Services:
9:30 a.m. Sunday School
10:30 a.m. Worship Service and Children's Church

5:30 p.m. Youth Meeting

Wednesday Night Care Groups:
These meet at various homes in different cities and different schedules.
Call the church office for specific times, locations and directions.
Special Dates For This Month


links buttons

Here are some links to some Christian sites on the web:


Here are links to our ministries:
Youth Dance and Worship
Children's Ministry Foreign/Home Missions
Women's Ministry Men's Ministry
Church Government More to Come...

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<bgsound src="shout.mid">
"Shout to the Lord"

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