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~ A little countrycorner of the web ~
This is Zenia, she's my Suthern Angel and she is watching my pages for me.
Hello! Wonderful to see you surfing on to my site. Choose your destination, take a look at whatever seems interesting. I will talk about myself, my family, I have thoughts about motherhood, thoughts about helping others who really need our help and I will tell about my tiny country Denmark. At last but not least, don't forget to sign my guestbook so I can see that you have visited my home here in cyberspace.
I am still new to this, still trying to learn how a homepage is created, so lots of things might be missed in your eyes. Feel free to tell me about your corrections, observations, what you like and dislike, or if you have any good tips - Whatever you think about my site. Tell me in my guestbook or send me an E-mail.
Happy Summer!! *S*
~ my favourite season of the Year! ~
~ My intro page ~
Charlotte's page ~ Lasse's page ~ Emil's page ~ my family ~ Credit page ~
Thoughts about motherhood ~ Help someone who needs your help ~ About Denmark ~
My awards ~ Great links ~ Anders and Cecilia (Emil's uncle and auntie) - told by Emil ~
Emil and his cousin Lucas - told by Emil ~ Win Emil's award ~ Come and see who have won my award ~
I hope you will return to my cyberhome, that you will follow my work every now and then, just to see how my home grows and how it will become a wonderful place to be.
nice people have visited my
website since June 9th 1998
Updated 07.04.1999
Adopt your own Suthern Angel:
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