

Touchstone- Michael & Kirsten Wilson 

Irish setters have always been a part of our lives. Michael grew up with an Irish setter as a family companion, a cute little lass named "Bailey."  I stumbled into Irish setters accidentally when a six month old Irish setter was left in the stall of my stable twenty years ago. There was a note pinned to the stall door that read, "Orphaned puppy, needs good home." I had absolutely no idea what kind of dog this skinny little pup was, so I took her to our local veterinarian who pronounced her a purebred Irish setter. I actively sought a good home for this little orphan, but after one week's time I grew to love her so much that I never let her go. Her name was "Orphan Annie" and she is the reason I love this breed as much as I do. To us, there are dogs and then there are Irish setters

Our breeding program began in 1990 when I acquired our foundation bitch, Rachael, Am. Can. Ch. Meadowlark’s Classic Touch, from Rose Ross of Meadowlark Kennels in Virginia. Rachael is from the "Class" litter, bred by Annette Izydorek-Pusey sired by BIS Ch. Meadowlark’s Wyndjammer ROM and out of BIS/BISS Ch. Cloverleaf’s Who’s That Girl? ROM. Rachael’s pedigree combines Meadowlark, Cloverleaf and Courtwood bloodlines.

Rachael’s first litter, the "Blue" litter, was whelped in 1994 and was sired by Ch. Meadowlark’s Masterful ROM. This union produced three dogs and two bitches. The litter, co-bred with Rose Ross, was divided with Rose taking three of the pups, who carry the "Meadowlark" prefix, and our keeping a dog and a bitch- the first to carry the "Touchstone" prefix. This brother and sister duo turned out to be the Best in Specialty Show winning and group winning brother and sister team of Am.Can.Ch.Touchstone’s Out of the Blue,Chester, and BISS Am.Can.Ch.Touchstone’s My BlueHeaven, Jacquie. 

Rachael was bred a second time, in 1995, to Ch. Stoneypoint’s Storm Trooper. This union produced the second litter to carry our prefix, Touchstone. The "Wild" litter, consists of three dogs and two bitches. At the present time, three of the five puppies have finished their American Championship titles: Ch. Stoneypoint’s Wild at Heart, Ch. Touchstone’s Wild About You and Ch. Touchstone’s Wild Cherry. 

While Rachael is our beginning and we celebrate her contribution to our breeding program, we hope you will take a moment to view her children and grandchilren's pages and pedigrees as they are our future. Thanks for stopping by and may Irish eyes always smile upon you.

Kirsten Wilson