Club's Statement of Purrpose

[Pw] Pussywillow's Pussyfoot Bar & Grill is not ment to be a club in the traditional sence (with a Presedent, Vice-Presedent etc., being either appointed or elected).
This is a club in the way a 'diner's club' would function (with proprietor(s) and patrons).

  • It will consist of the 'establishment' as: [Pw] Pussywillow's Pussyfoot Bar & Grill
  • The 'proprietor(s)' will consist of: Bhoedy, Turandot (Dot) and Ripley who are responsible for the management of the establishment and providing the memfurs with the services they are intitled to.
  • The establishment has as memfurs: 'patrons' and 'guests'. The distinction and benefits are detailed below.
  • The establishment does not support or condone the abuse or exploitation of children or animals and holds the right to deny services or termination and/or denial of memfurship to any guest who advocates the above.
  • The establishment will not tolerate poor 'netsmanship'. Good 'neticat' must be practiced while memfurs are using the services of the establishment.
  • The establishment is a 'safe for all ages' environment.
    Adult language and topics (such as those of sex, violence, vulgarities and the like) will not be tolerated. Those areas are best handled at websites designed for those purposes.
  • The establishment offers goods and services (though not for profit).
  • The establishment is privately owned and operated. The option of becoming public at some time will remain open.

Patron Memfur Rights & Privilges

The Establishment is here to provide a service to it's Guests.
The Memfurs are the establishment's Patrons.
Anyone who visits is a Guest and anyone is welcome to dine with us.
Guests are not allowed the full benefits due the Patron Memfurs.
Any Guest may apply for a Patron Memfurship.
To become a Patron Memfur the Guest must fill out and submit the application below.

  • Patrons are entitled to a copy of the semi-annual Mewspaper as well as any Hot-Mews bullitens which can come from the patrons themselves, but which they need not have to mail out themselves. Submissions are to be e-mailed to / subject as "Hot-Mews".
  • Patrons recieve a spiffy memfurship card and ID#. The ID# will be the only thing a patron memfur needs to have access to all establishment activities and benefits. There will be no password needed.
  • Patron memfers who contribute graphics, music, articles, or any other materials posted to our menus will have the honor of having their banner flown purroudly in our Contributing Patron's Honors Hall with links to their sites (for those with URLs) and/or a really neat benediction plaque hung (for those without URLs). Purrhaps even something really REALLY special.
    Contributing Patrons deserve beyond our very best and they will be accorded so.
  • Our Saturday Nights On The Prowl are only open to patron memfurs.
  • Patron memfurs are allowed the open, free use of our dance floor at anytime. Special events booking (such as below) is available.
    Patron memfurs wishing to have wedding receptions are entitled to schedual use of our dance floor for the wedding party.
  • Patron memfurs are responsible for their own conduct while they are here.
  • Patron Memfurship #'s are not to be given away to others.

Patron Memfurship Application

To become either a Patron Memfur or a Contributing Patron Memfur of [Pw] Pussywilow's Pussyfoot Bar & Grill you (the cat, naturally) must fill out our little application. Fields that have (*) next to them are required fields.

Your Name*:
Your E-Mail Address*:
Your URL:

Are you a*: Individual Cat Family Cat
[If applying as a Family Cat, and the other cats of your household won't feel left out, you may share ID#s (This is the ONLY EXCEPTION where an ID# can be given to anyone other than the applying cat. Each cat's user ID will be their name.)
Each Family Cat must list the names of the cats in their family in the *Comments box below so the 'Family' ID# will work.
If any of those cats have their own e-mail address it would be best if they applied as individual cats.]

You were born: MM YY
If you aren't sure guess a date (MM-YY):

Please select breed catagory and type that best describes you.


What color are your eyes:

What color is your coat:

Have you been AVID chipped: Yes No Unknown

Are You: Female Spayed Female Male Neutered Male

Are you: Working Mouser Hobby Mouser Retired Pampurred Parent

Have you been declawed: No Yes
If Yes: Front 2 All 4

As all cats are due 9 lives, (which is only fair since some kitties aren't afforded very nice ones their first time around) which one are you currently in:

Do you wish to become a Contributing Patron*: Yes Curious How Purrhaps Later No

If 'Yes' to Contributing Patron, would you like additional information on our limited 'Founder Patron' memfurships*: Yes, Please No, Thank-you

For purposes of speed and efficiency we've decided to service our memfurs using ListBot. They have a little mini-form that you will be taken to from here (provided everything here has been filled out corrctly).
Do you wish to be on our mailing list hosted by ListBot*: Yes, glad yo help No

Last but not least, did you find our form*: Different-Good Different-Bad Average-OK
Mer-YAWN! z-z-z-z Why must cats use forms anyway? Hiss 'n spit.

Interests, Requests, *Comments, Questions [IRCQs]:

Check this if you want a copy of this form e-mailed to you when it is submitted.

Upon submission you will be able to go directly to our ListBot page with the option of either applying to our ListBot sponsored mailing list or click to our Take-Out Menu and proceed from there to anywhere else your curiosity takes you. Your ID# and memfur card will be e-mailed to you within 3 days of submission. Welcome to our family, valued patron.

Second thoughts? Still not sure? It's OK, really.

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