[Pw] Pussywillow's Pussyfoot Bar & Grill is not ment to be a club in the traditional sence (with a Presedent, Vice-Presedent etc., being either appointed or elected). This is a club in the way a 'diner's club' would function (with proprietor(s) and patrons).
- It will consist of the 'establishment' as: [Pw] Pussywillow's Pussyfoot Bar & Grill
- The 'proprietor(s)' will consist of: Bhoedy, Turandot (Dot) and Ripley who are responsible for the management of the establishment and providing the memfurs with the services they are intitled to.
- The establishment has as memfurs: 'patrons' and 'guests'. The distinction and benefits are detailed below.
- The establishment does not support or condone the abuse or exploitation of children or animals and holds the right to deny services or termination and/or denial of memfurship to any guest who advocates the above.
- The establishment will not tolerate poor 'netsmanship'. Good 'neticat' must be practiced while memfurs are using the services of the establishment.
- The establishment is a 'safe for all ages' environment.
Adult language and topics (such as those of sex, violence, vulgarities and the like) will not be tolerated. Those areas are best handled at websites designed for those purposes.
- The establishment offers goods and services (though not for profit).
- The establishment is privately owned and operated. The option of becoming public at some time will remain open.