While searching the World Wide Web telephone indexes for the USA and Canada we were able to find approximately only 70 listings for persons with the surname RUBBERT at any one of the many data bases, one business with the name RUBBERT in it's title and just a dozen or so e-mail addresses.
In The Social Security Death Index (SSDI) Search Results there are only 55 RUBBERTs listed. Three of them are direct relatives of ours.
There is very little to be found of the RUBBERT's history in the Americas . We have been able to find even less specific information of my father's family history. We do not doubt that other RUBBERT family members interested in finding out more about their roots have had similar experiences.
These virtual notebooks were created in hopes that any and all RUBBERTs, their friends and relatives can and will exchange information with each other, related or not.
This place is meant to be a sort of RUBBERT and Friends family reunion. Who knows? Maybe in the process some of us will uncover a few more of our family roots... or, at the very least, make some new friends. Never can have to many friends...

Do you know of or about someone with the surname RUBBERT?
Do you know any RUBBERT Family folklore or history?
Please register and share what you know with us!
After that we would be very blessed to have you sign our Guest Book too.
If you have any questions, info or ideas, please E-mail us at

- Surname RUBBERT Origin and Meaning -plus a comment from bonified Rubbert surname researchers.
- RUBBERT REGISTRY If you are a RUBBERT or RUBBERT Relative please help us make this a really great Home School project by taking time to register with us. If you are not a Rubbert relative please take a couple of minutes to sign our guest book and leave your homepage URL there.
- RUBBERT Family Directory
The most inclusive list of Rubberts addresses ever. Some e-mail addresses.
- RUBBERT -Inquiries, Rumors and Stories We would like to hear from you if you have anything to post.
- Social Security Death Index General Search Results on 'RUBBERT'. Find a link to do searches of the Index on other names here.
- Family and Friends Pages -check out what other Rubberts and their friends have been doing.
- RUBBERT Relatives Family Trees
- Our Family Tree Decendents of George William Rubbert son of William Martin Rubbert and Leora Hendrix.
- Genealogy Research Links
- Web site buiding tools Everthing you need to know to build your own home page plus some other handy tools.
- Ohana Photo and Memory Album
- Shirley's Fav's Virtual Notebooks: Homeschool helps and links, Christian links for everything from magazines and music to kidstuff and devotionals, homemaker helps, family values news and politics, book publishers and catalogs, poems amd prose, encouragment, humor, other jewels.
- Back to Main Page Don't Forget to sign our Guest Book!.
This is a project for our Homeschool and we are learning as we go along. We would appreciate any tips or topical contributions. We are also fairly new to geneology. (I'm pretty sure I'm about to learn a lot- the hard way.) We will be up-dateing these virtual notebooks and adding links regularly, If anything we are working on here interests you, we invite you to check back often.