This page is dedicated to my interests in Genealogy
or more correctly Family History.
I am interested in all my relatives, living and dead,
and the places they lived.
Some of the surnames I am researching are :
I will not be attempting to give long lists of links to all the sources on the web - I will leave that to those with more time and skill to do the job properly. I will however give a few links to the major sites which have been particularly helpful in increasing my knowledge about my fascinating hobby.
I strongly recomend that anyone with interests in Genealogy in the British Isles, should be familiar with the contents of GENUKI. A lot of source material is now coming on-line. Most of your questions will be answered there.
I volunteer my services on the Cambridgeshire Look-Up Exchange. My initial offering is my book on the history of Cambridgeshire, ' Magna Britannia - Cambridgeshire ' by Daniel & Samuel Lysons, first published 1808.
I am willing to do limited look-ups for fellow family historians, but please be patient if I do not reply immediately.
The equivalent volume for Derbyshire includes an entry for Ilkeston, the town which has been my home for over 25 years
Another of my interests which supports my Family History work is a love of maps, both ancient and modern. The best maps of Great Britain are produced by the Ordnance Survey. Their 'Get-a-Map' feature alows you to locate your places of interest and view a map and you may download the image for use on your own website (Another project for me to plan for another day) The largest scale is 1:50,000 which is two small to show street names. To find street names, mostly in town and larger villages you can try, or Scales as lagre as 1:5,000 are available for some places.
I will also be placing some of the material of general or particular interest in the fields I have worked. Once more I will be different and not place my complete gedcom on the web. I have seen too many of these, and been too frustrated trying to follow lines into dead ends. I will give a brief history of my main lines - as a sample, take a look at some notes on one of my great-great-great-grandfathers, Richard SCOTT of Coton, Cambridgeshire, England.
I will continue to develop this page as time and mental energy allow.
Please come back to see how I am getting on.
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© 2003 Graham Freestone This page last updated 18 March 2003.