Favorite Foods: Whatever falls to the floor while Mom is cooking and Nature's Recipe Vegetarian Formula.
Favorite Toy: Squeaky Hamburger.
Favorite Pastime: Shredding tissues and paper products.
Favorite Place: Under Mom's bed.
Favorite Pal: My new buddy Taz! - Look for her website coming soon.
Favorite Treats: Three Dog Bakery - fresh baked & all natural yummies for dogs.
Likes: Taking naps, going for walks, and having my belly rubbed.
Dislikes: Bad Hair Days!! (like this one)
Hobbies: Animal Rights Activist, Stealing stuff and stashing it under the bed.
Motto: "Live and Let Live - Go Vegetarian!"
Vocabulary: No, No, No, No, No
Biggest Fear: Vaccuum Cleaners - I hide for hours.
Worst Habit: Sticking out my tongue.
Worst Experience: Falling off the couch and getting a concussion.
Newly Discovered Trick: Whining for table food.
Best Houdini Act: Jumping over the 3 foot pet gates Mom put up.
Pet Peaves: Wearing collars, doggie sweaters, winter socks, and bows.