A Single Surname Study

This page is dedicated to the surname of ALLEN in the state of KENTUCKY.

Any and all ALLENs that have ever been in the state of Kentucky are welcome here.

If you have any ALLEN people in Kentucky, please let me know. I'll happily post your information here. I accept data via gedcom or Rich Text Format. You will receive due credit for any information that you donate.

Here's what I have right now:

Allen Database
Allen Queries
1999 Changes and Additions

1813-1819 Logan County Deed Abstracts

1850 Christian Co, KY Census
1850 Clark Co, KY Census
1850 Larue Co, KY Census
1850 Logan Co, KY Census
1860 Logan Co, KY Census
1900 Webster Co, KY Census

Here's some links to ALLENs in Kentucky Websites:
John Green Allen of Jessamine Co. KY
Email me at Ann McDonough

This Page Last Updated: 21 July 2002

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