Some of my Horses


That's me and my first pony Chief.  I think I was about 3 years old at the time.  He had really bad feet so he couldn't run away with me.  He was gentler than a kitten anyway.

This is my cousin Andy riding my pony Jingles.  That's me of course holding her head. I think I was about 9 years old.  She was my third pony.  I can't find any pictures of my second pony, "Beauty". We lost Beauty to encephalitis.

As you can see at 12 I was still riding.  Complete with "bell-bottoms" and get a load of that stupid hat!  This horse was called Lola. Once we trained her she was probably the best horse that I owned. And as you can see, I didn't think much of saddles either!

This was the last horse that I owned.  This was taken after I rescued him from where I had him boarded.  We had moved and had no place to keep him here. That's Candace on his back.  We finally sold him when he was about 32 years old.  There were other horses around but these were my favorites.  I don't have any horses of my own right now, and yes, I do miss them! This is the first time in my life I can recall that I haven't owned a horse.  We hope to move into the country soon and I will get another one.

 Check out Susan's Equine Page too!

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