Hi I used to be slingnasty.
My real name is Deborah. I am still Slingnasty at yahoo.
I am NOW double nickles 55 year old wife and mother of two grown sons. I am also a registered radiologic technologist with the A.R.R.T.. I currently do not work. I had a back injury and have had 3 back surgeries, so I am unable to work.
On the following pages you will see some of my interests and hopefully some very interesting facts about myself, my hubby and my sons. I have a photo album on one page of family and pets. I have just completed another photo page I hope you will enjoy. I have at the current time some pages for ICQ or any other pass along you might like to check out. I hope you enjoy these pages as much as I enjoy making them.
My hubby is a seller at ebay under the name
it-is-urs, so go check out his items up for sell.
Poetry, pets, sewing , ceramics, fishing and surfing the net chating on the web and making web pages.
Who is the real Debbietaunt?
Happy Summer Time Fun.
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