Debbietaunt's Home Page

Debbietaunt's Revolving Door!

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Hi I used to be slingnasty.

My real name is Deborah. I am still Slingnasty at yahoo.
I am NOW double nickles 55 year old wife and mother of two grown sons. I am also a registered radiologic technologist with the A.R.R.T.. I currently do not work. I had a back injury and have had 3 back surgeries, so I am unable to work.
On the following pages you will see some of my interests and hopefully some very interesting facts about myself, my hubby and my sons. I have a photo album on one page of family and pets. I have just completed another photo page I hope you will enjoy. I have at the current time some pages for ICQ or any other pass along you might like to check out. I hope you enjoy these pages as much as I enjoy making them.
My hubby is a seller at ebay under the name  it-is-urs, so go check out his items up for sell.

My interests are:

Poetry, pets, sewing , ceramics, fishing and surfing the net chating on the web and making web pages.

Who is the real Debbietaunt?

Here is one place I have an on line store. Cafepress look up my id there under podunkfluzy.

On these pages you will find some poetry I have written and some of them I have submitted to's poetry contest. So far my poem of "Love Dance" has been submitted to be published in three books, "Mothers Not Lost" is being published in one book, and another poem I just submitted in December of 1999 has also been accepted for consideration and a finalist in their contest, this one is named "Ode to an Email". I think this is all so neat and I love to write poetry. I will be posting the new poem soon so check back. Last Update: 1-04-07

Happy Summer Time Fun.

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