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Welcome to the
1st Boronia Scout Group.

The Oldest Group in Our District

This web site is dedicated to the memory of
Mr Eric C Sell.
Founder of the 1st Boronia Scout Group.

1st Boronia Scout Group, Chandler Road (Albert Avenue End),
Boronia, Victoria 3155.

Postal Address:-1st Boronia Scout Group, PO Box 212,
Boronia, Victoria 3155. Hall Phone No. 9761 0029

"Do Scouts just help old ladies across the street?"
The life long image of Scouting is one of helping little old ladies across the street, tying knots and sitting around a campfire singing songs. While the Scout Association may be seen as being an old fashioned organisation. The truth is:-
We help the community. We educate our children and we improve the social skills of our kids.

Afterall 25 million Scouts, Worldwide, can’t be wrong.

Everyone should be helping the community............................We all have to live here!
Everyone should be able to tie a knot................. One day your life may depend on it!
Everyone should learn social skills..........And perhaps one day avoid self destruction!

Scouting teaches the basic skills which each one of us will need to get through life:- self discipline, responsibility, self expression, leadership, preparation, planning, & service to others.

So the answer is NO! We don't just help old ladies to cross the street. We do much, much, more.

We would like to welcome you and your family to the wonderful World of Scouting. 1st Boronia is one of the Scout Groups operating within the City of Knox, Yarra Valley District in the State of Victoria, Melbourne, Australia. Being the oldest Scout Group in our District we have a rich and colourful history dating back to 1929.

For further information about 1st Boronia please contact:-

Our Group Leader:- Theresa Robertson on 9762 0493
Our Group President:- Jeff Hooper on 9761 3237

Or send us an Email

Sections of 1st Boronia Scout Group

Joey Logo Our Joey Mob meets on Friday nights from 6.30pm to 7.45pm

Our Cub Scouts meet Monday nights 7.00pm to 8.30pm Cub Logo

Scout LOGO Our Scout Troop meets on Thursday nights 7.30pm to 9.30pm

Our Groups History.
1st Boronia 1930
1929    On the 27th of March, the 1st Boronia Scout Group was formed and met at
Hallam's Hall. The Group was registered with Metropolitan No.2. District.

1934    The Group moves into the "Old Market".

1939    The Group buys the "Old Market" (Old Scout Hall)
at the Dorset Road end of Chandler Road.

1945    1st Boronia was transfered to East Suburban County.

1951    In October the Old Scout Hall is paid off.

1954    In December, 1st Boronia was registered with the Nunawading District.

1956    In December the registration of 1st Boronia Scout group is transfered to
Ferntree Gully District.

1957    Our first Queen Scouts were invested

1960    On the 6th of May, 1st Boronia officially splits into 1st and 2nd Boronia
The Old Scout Hall title is transfered to 2nd Boronia.

1961    A Cooperative Society was formed to acquire a loan for the New Scout Hall.

1964    1st Boronia was renamed 1st Knox due to the change from  the Ferntree Gully District
to the Knox District

1965    On the 27th of March, the new Scout Hall was officially opened.

1968    The first edition of the Groups Newsletter "The Bowline"is produced.
1970    The City of Knox issues a permit to errect a Bottle Depot next to the Scout Hall.

1972    On the 1st of August a "New Design" is implemented by the Group.

1973    In January the new Scout Hall is fully paid off.

1975    During November / December an agreement was signed with 11th Knox regarding
the use of the 1st Knox Scout Hall.

1976    On the 17th of June Knox District Quirindi Rover Crew was formed.

1977    On the of 20th June the 1st / 11th Knox Venturer Unit was formed.
In September the extensions to the hall were completed.

1978    1st Knox reverts back to it's original identity, 1st Boronia.
The Group obtained a boat shed.

1979    1st Boronia turns 50 years old. Golden Jubilee celebrations were held.

1985    Quirindi Rover Crew moved to 1st Boronia / 11th Knox Scout Hall.

1989    1st Boronia is 60 Years old.

From the Pages of "The Bowline"

"The Bowline" is the official newsletter of the 1st Boronia Scout Group, it is produced to keep our members, families and freinds informed as to what's happening within the different sections of our Group. Worthy news items (and sometimes not so worthy) are reported.
In 1996 "The Bowline" was awarded The Rainbow Simpson Group newsletter Award, for excellence in communication and presentation.
Here a few items of my favourites items:-

These are the final thoughts of the annual Venturer Report, 1980. "We have
learnt from our mistakes of the past and are looking forward to a whole
new set of errors this year.

Be nice to your kids.....
They'll chose your nursing home.

In the early 80's on a pack holiday, the cubs were about to line up for
the final parade, when one of them complained to the Akela (Harold Whitten)
that all of the the badges had been stolen from his shirt. After a brief
investigation Akela reassured the cub that his shirt was turned inside out.

The following parents have volunteered to get up at 5.00am
and go on a 20 mile hike..................................

One complete set of Encyclopedias.
No longer required...........
Our kids seem to know everything already.

The favourite closing words of the Groups Newsletter are:-

Any mistakes that you may find in this newsletter are intentional.
There are some people who like to find fault with everything,
and it is our duty to please everybody.

You are visitor since the 25th of April 1998.

This web site is constructed & maintained by Graeme Waterston

© 1997 graemew@mpx.com.au

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