02/09/00 05:53:14
Name: Lilbro | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
State: VA | Country: US | Favorite Saint: St. Patrick |
Favorite Ministries: St. Patricks of Selfhealing | Favorite Reading O.T.: Wondering | Favorite Gospel N.T.: As I go on |
As i go on i find myself Patrick in the need of some healing, so what do say tomyself, I wonder, as i go on wondering, i find myself Patrick wondering, oh but what it is to wonder, then finding youself, but have been already healed, for their must be some saint looking over me, as i wonder, for i shall go on!
11/29/99 12:23:54
Name: Louise Tunseth | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | State: North Dakota |
Country: USA | Favorite Saint: ST. Christopher |
Thanks, Michael
04/16/98 21:32:53
Name: Michael J. Murphy | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
State: Ma | Country: U.S. | Favorite Saint: St. Michael De Sanctos |
Favorite Ministries: Religous Education | Favorite Reading O.T.: GENESIS 12-44 | Favorite Gospel N.T.: John I |
This is Recorded as the first entry
April 16, 1998 A.D.