Our Home Page

Cruz Bay, St. John

Lovely Cruz Bay, St. John

Welcome! Thanks for visiting our home page.

We were married in beautiful St. John,U.S. Virgin Islands, a great escape!

To find out about your astrological sign or someone elses...check out the Astrology link below!

Did you know that all of us have a GUARDIAN ANGEL looking out for us, all the time and everywhere we go? Click on the Angel...

We absolutely love and adore our Rat Terriers. They are members of the Rat Terrier Club of America. Their names are Sabina and Duncan. They make great pets, and feet warmers. Every October in CT there is a Terrier Show. Rat Terriers from New England and beyond come for a fun-filled day of competition, judging games and fun!

Some of these pages may take a few minutes to load, so be patient.
We are working on making them load faster.
Family updated ! 04/08/2002
Sabina and Duncan - Our Rat Terriers
Beautiful St.John

Please visit us in the near future as we will add more to our pages.

Email us below in the meantime and tell us what you think.
Please come back soon and visit us.

Links to some of our favorite sites on the Web.

So, you want to be a parent...
Poopie Humour
Things About Guarda, Portugal
RBC Ministries

Lions Club of Yalesville-Wallingford

© 2003 MS2 Send us some mail!!! twosantos@snet.net


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