Well, here's the people that have put their names in our guestbook:


Tina Bryan - 08/10/00 13:28:02
My Email:tntbryan91@msn.com
Why You Visited Us (RR or Baby Pages): Baby/Jay/Marcie

Gosh, that was so good! I really enjoyed getting to see you and Marcie. It was also really nice to see the pictures of Tammi and her baby. I sure do miss you all. Well, take care and be sure and let me know when you have new pictures on your webpages. Thanks!! Take Care.

ed stewart - 04/13/00 01:18:21
My Email:greasy964@aol.com
How You Found Us: dean's archives
Why You Visited Us (RR or Baby Pages): rr

this is a well put together site and a pleasure to visit,i really enjoyed it,ed

Lawrence Myers - 03/27/00 13:02:38
My Email:bevmyers@tcnet.net
How You Found Us: through EllenN club
Why You Visited Us (RR or Baby Pages): RR

Very Nice, Jay! Like those coal hopper pics along with the SECX GP20s. The caboose at Farmers, KY -- C&O heritage???

John J Bryant - 03/04/00 22:43:59
My Email:trailjay@aol.com
How You Found Us: Yahoo L&N Club
Why You Visited Us (RR or Baby Pages): rr

Worked at South Louisville Shops for 14 years as boilermaker and remembered working on most of the locomotives that you have modeled including #1499 that they have been talking about in club and others. We put #1499 in scrap car in late 70's or early 80's after it was painted in solid grey and wrecked shortly after that. They said that locomotive was jinxed ever since it was new. Although it was suppose to be extra reliable it blew up right after it was delivered to L&N. Live in Lex. area now working other side of transportation industry(semi-trailers). Loved your site thought I would comment. Also do some modeling since 1971. Thanks again. John J. Bryant

David Ogle - 12/16/99 01:21:17
My Email:davidogle@msn.com
How You Found Us: You invited me

Neat web page, I like the models. I will be back.

William Beecher - 11/26/99 07:10:26
My Email:ekcoal@fastbytes.com

Hello Jay! I wrote a couple of months ago on my mother in-laws computer...this is my new address.. Im a L&N fan..live in Fond Du Lac WI and am an engineer for the Wisconsin Central.. I became intrested in SECX while on several trips to the Hazard area in the early 90s..Im still attempting to produce the decals..Im trying to work on microscale to produce them..If you dont mind I sent them your address for pictures..You got some great detail shots...I model the EK sub in HO and am currently buying the house to store all my equiptment!!!and sleep...Im 25 so Im old enough to have seen the L&N but young enough to have missed all the good stuff like C628s ect... Question do you have pictures of the green SECX hoppers??? well lets keep in touch my Email is ekcoal@fastbytes.com....It might take me a day or to to answer working the road and all..well I gota run called for a pig train to Green Bay in 30 mins ahhhh title town.....hope to here from you Bill Beecher

William Beecher - 09/18/99 01:19:02
My Email:rlhunger@thesurf.com

Jay,,, If I might ask where the heck do you find these decals for SECX??? Ive got art work drawn up and intended to run at least the hearlds,,but, if I can get them elsewhere I will... I dont have a computer (NOW) but if you would please email the above address with this info... I have 3 LL GP20s ready (in green) for hearlds.. Thanx for all the pics here Ill use some for modeling (L&N EK layout in late 70s)..PS the secx 3820 is an ex Conrail/PC GP38.Milw RDs went to oxford leasing(WC) to KCS...

Ray Cole - 08/25/99 18:54:52
My URL:http://rayspics.railfan.net/
My Email:rcole@railfan.net
How You Found Us: Link off my Site
Why You Visited Us (RR or Baby Pages): Railroad

Checking back in on your site ! "Happy Rails to You" !

Jerry Ashley - 08/18/99 19:25:30
My Email:jerrya@aye.net
How You Found Us: your reference
Why You Visited Us (RR or Baby Pages): RR

I really like your work

Anthony Hardy - 06/08/99 13:31:39
My Email:awhtmh@aol.com
How You Found Us: Yahoo L&N modelers club
Why You Visited Us (RR or Baby Pages): COAL!! TRAINS!!

I'm building a 9 1/2 x 24 CSX layout based around Hazard, KY. Nice to see there's others interested in this as well!

Chip - 05/04/99 23:09:01
My Email:Alcodragon@aol.com
How You Found Us: TotalCSX

I liked your photos and your models

johnnie Ramsey - 03/30/99 23:33:24
My Email:hotmail.com/johnnie
How You Found Us: looking
Why You Visited Us (RR or Baby Pages): see the pictures

We hope to see you son, maybe this Easter weekend!Dad and Mom

johnnie Ramsey - 03/29/99 22:09:57
My Email:www.hotmail.com/johnnie
How You Found Us: pure luck
Why You Visited Us (RR or Baby Pages): to see the pictures

We are enjoying the computor work you have done, keep up the good work. I hope one day to be able to contribute something that will help you. Love you, Dad

Joey \ Pro Railfans Online - 03/01/99 19:08:02
My URL:http://members.aol.com/prorailfan/index.html
My Email:prorailfan@ aol.com
How You Found Us: reverse of this

Very nice, Good info and content!

T Porritt - 02/19/99 17:29:07
My Email:you know it already
How You Found Us: I work with you (Jay)
Why You Visited Us (RR or Baby Pages): Just to hassle you on your sick day

Are you feeling better? Hope so. I have a Kenny story for you on Monday

Rob Wolshlager - 02/07/99 01:55:56
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/clinchfield_country
My Email:Clinchfld@aol.com
How You Found Us: link from other web site
Why You Visited Us (RR or Baby Pages): Railroad

Great web site, Liked your pictures!

Peter Dullard - 01/31/99 19:16:17
My Email:pdid@kos.net
How You Found Us: from a railroad message board
Why You Visited Us (RR or Baby Pages): I like coal hauling railroads ( especially the L&N )

great site, a real find for a fan and modeller of the L&N in Eastern Ontario. Like you, Iam planning / starting a layout seet in Harlan, Ky set in the transition from L&N to FLS. Why not post some pics of the layout and a track plan? I'd love to see so e pics of mines and Harlan yard facilities (loco servicing). Keep up the good work!

Ray Cole - 01/16/99 02:30:31
My URL:http://rayspics.railfan.net/
My Email:rcole@railfan.net
How You Found Us: you signed my guest book
Why You Visited Us (RR or Baby Pages): Curious

Nice web ! I'll gladly put a link on my site to another "Southerner's" rail site !

Wilson Hensley - 12/13/98 14:10:48
My Email:wwild@msn.com
How You Found Us: You gave me the URL
Why You Visited Us (RR or Baby Pages): Baby Pages (this time)

Great Page - wish all the pictures would load!!

kay - 12/03/98 01:47:18

Howdy !!! Great pics of little John !!!! More..More... Love ~k

kay - 11/25/98 16:23:14
My Email:dselter@mail.transy.edu
How You Found Us: got the new sddress,thanks!
Why You Visited Us (RR or Baby Pages): yes

Loved your format. Can't wait to see photos of 'Little John'. But the real thing is incredible, you all have the most beautiful son, CONGRADULATIONS!!! And he is a very lucky little boy!!! Love ~k

Jennifer and Sarah - 11/24/98 23:35:48

We can't wait to little John!!!! Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Annette Simpson - 11/24/98 22:01:54
Why You Visited Us (RR or Baby Pages): co-worker of Jay

Congrads!!!!! Hope you guys have as much fun as I have had raising my little guy. They get really fun around the age of three when they start going through the terrible 3-4's at the same time.

Judd Wildman - 11/24/98 19:57:00
My Email:judd@lex.srsemci.com
How You Found Us: Jay told me!
Why You Visited Us (RR or Baby Pages): Both???

Crongratulations once again and the best to the three of you!!!

jp - 10/30/98 04:53:12
My Email:jpsr
How You Found Us: email
Why You Visited Us (RR or Baby Pages): see baby!!

COOL! We all checked out the baby pics and loved them! jp printed copies for mom dad and sis.Tell marcie to keep her feet up so that baby don't come out feet first!!!! see ya jp

Jennifer Ramsey - 10/30/98 04:09:57
My Email:jpsrs@kih.net
How You Found Us: You sent it to us!!!!!!!
Why You Visited Us (RR or Baby Pages): to see the cool pixs


Jennifer Click-Coffee - 10/30/98 01:33:51
My Email:dsotmpf@aol.com
How You Found Us: email
Why You Visited Us (RR or Baby Pages): curious

Let me know when you have this little one!!

kay - 10/30/98 00:44:18
My Email:dselter@mail.transy.edu
How You Found Us: you gave me your address
Why You Visited Us (RR or Baby Pages): to see pix and stuff

Marcie and Jay, this is darlin! Your baby is going to really appreciate this one day[be sure and keep. I noticed the background was pink...hummm...is that a subtle message to the chromosomes...You guys are great..and you are going to be FANTASTIC PAREN S!!!! Love ~K

Jennifer Ramsey - 10/22/98 02:44:05
My Email:jpsr@kih.net
How You Found Us: You e-mailed us!
Why You Visited Us (RR or Baby Pages): Check out new baby pixs


- 10/06/98 04:33:00


johnnie pats family - 10/06/98 04:25:05
My Email:jpsr@kih.net
How You Found Us: snail mail


10/04/98 11:51:12
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

George Ude - 09/17/98 18:48:40
My Email:geoude@usit.net
How You Found Us: You E-mailed me
Why You Visited Us (RR or Baby Pages): You suggested I do so

I like your page. Wish I could do something with mine but I haven't even visited it in months as I've been busy working on genealogy on the net and off. I guess I'll take a look at it now. It is Heartland Hills 6737 (or at least it was!).

Wilson I. Hensley - 08/30/98 10:47:05
My Email:wwild@msn.com
How You Found Us: you gave me the address!
Why You Visited Us (RR or Baby Pages): To check it out!!

Nice page!

Jessica hall - 05/07/98 18:48:43
My Email:hallje1

Hi Jay! Your website looks great! E-mail soon!
Thelma Thomas Howard - 05/03/98 15:32:40
My Email:crumley@mounet.com
How You Found Us: someone told me
Why You Visited Us (RR or Baby Pages): I wanted to see my parent's picture (Jim and Vola Thomas)

I enjoyed the picture, because I was the actual person who took the picture of my parents. Kathy Thomas Cheeck just took credit.

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