Hi! We sincerely hoped you liked our page! Please revisit from time-to-time; we're always updating! Please sign our Guestbook and leave whatever comments you like! Regards, Dave, Nancy & Charlotte

Vicious - 05/19/00 17:00:53
My Email:Vicious2@hotmail.com
I see you finally got a counter! Hooray!!!"

Vicious - 05/19/00 16:59:20
My Email:Vicious2@hotmail.com
What is Red Hat Linux? Is is something that travels the internet hunting the big bad wolf virus?

Oma and "Old" Opa - 11/28/99 02:10:41
My Email:nelsond61@hotmail.com
What a beautiful little sweetie you are holding. She must have very good looking grandparents, even if one of them is "OLD"!! Keep up the good work, and let's see some more pictures. Lots more picures. Good going in Alabama!!

Vicious - 06/17/99 12:51:25
My URL:http://meltingpot.fortunecity.com/morocco/376
My Email:Vicious2@hotmail.com
Why don't you have a counter on your page?

It's a secret! - 04/22/99 17:59:26
My URL:http://meltingpot.fortunecity.com/morocco/376
Hello! Take a look at my web page! I just started it last night, so it's rather threadbare. I think you'll recognize my name! You may even want to link your page to mine! Join the Dominion at www.scifi.com!

Oma - 03/24/99 19:30:49
Please put some more pictures of "Our" baby on your page. Love, Oma and Opa

Marlys Oliver - 12/10/98 16:50:32
My Email:oliverme@east.deca.mil
Good class so far

- 12/05/98 22:11:11
About the goatee, Dave: Ba-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-ad!

- 10/06/98 22:00:36
Why is yor page so slow?

muga - 10/06/98 03:52:26
hello david

10/04/98 11:51:08
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

Oma - 07/15/98 18:33:59
My Email:nelsond3@mail.firn.edu
Hi! I'm at the Astronaut Tech.conferance. I love the new page. Love, Oma.

Dave Franklyn - 07/14/98 02:02:30
My URL:http://www.geocities/heartland/pointe/9098/
My Email:davefranklyn@msn.com
The goofy picture of you in uniform has to go! you look like a deer caught in some headlights at night!

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