Kenneth Cole - 12/15/00 07:09:32
Sex: Note to self : Pick up Viagra
Marital Status: Since the Ice Age
Occupation: Owner - Cole Communications
Favorite Movie: You Know
Favorite Band: You know that too :~)
Just a note to anyone interested ! We offer free e-mail and ICQ tech support for minor problems. So if you happen to need a little computer help , go to and click on ( e-mail Kenny ) and send me your questions , or if you have ICQ you can send a request to add ICQ # 52382579 to your ICQ Contact List - it will show up as " Shop " on your Contact List and we will authorize you and we can help you out in real time chats to resolve software problems and troubleshoot hardware problems and if it becomes beyond online repair, call us at 918-967-2289 or 918-967-3904 to schedule an appointment for repairs.
Thank You for your time and patience
Sincerely : Kenneth Cole
Cole Communications
Kenneth Cole - 12/15/00 06:32:55
Sex: What ?
Marital Status: 1000 Years according to Viola
Occupation: Owner - Cole Communications
Favorite Movie: Still - " Armageddon "
Favorite Band: 70s & 80s Rock ( Cars , Eagles , REO )
Whats up Dude ?
From the looks of the updates on your pages, you have been a very busy man. Just wanted to let you know I dropped in on your site and it is looking good. You must spend all of your spare time on these pages. Well you take care and don't work to hard. Also
I would like to invite all of your visitors to drop by our site and please visit the ( Precious Angels Page ) at least once. It is located in our " Visit Area Sites " Menu. Thanks for all your hard work to keep us all informed about Porum.
Later Dude :
K. Cole
Lowayna (Long) Bingham - 12/14/00 01:28:04
Sex: Female
Marital Status: Married to a great guy
Occupation: ExxonMobil (Network Security)
Favorite Movie: Still Like Fried Green Tomatoes
Favorite Band: I think I like The Wall Flowers this week.
Hey Wayne. I just love that you keep up this Web page. It is so wonderful to keep up with old friends. I went to Porum's basketball home coming game and dance. I took my niece Samantha. I think I embarassed my nephew John Lollis. Hey he'll get over it. Li
e is to short not to enjoy it and have a little fun once and awhile. And I do mean clean fun. God bless you and your family.
Jessica Ryan - 12/13/00 19:24:12
Sex: Yes please!!
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Student
Favorite Movie: The Green Mile
Favorite Band: right now...Lifehouse
Wassuppp Rusty! Good job on the Porum website. You actually made Porum look half decent. Tell Sarah hi for me...c-ya!
Kenneth Cole - 11/16/00 07:54:42
Sex: None This Week
Marital Status: 22 Years
Occupation: Slave
Favorite Movie: Classic 70s & 80s Rock
Favorite Band: REO & Eagles
Wayne : I have been busy networking and setting up the internet on 43 computers at the Whitefield School and trying to move our family and business to a new home in Stigler and have not had much time lately to check out your web site, I dropped in tonight
for a visit and you are doing and excellent job dude. Looks like you are keepin the same 20 hour days as me to keep up with everything. and keep the information a flowin to the community. Just wanted you to know I was proud of you for your efforts and I s
e the devotion you have put into your site. Drop by and visit Me & Viola at Our New Location 103 N.E. 9th Street in Stigler ( Directly behind the Dollar General store )Plugged our new location din't I
LOL :~ } but I meant it come by and visit anytime you can. Also go check out our new design at Catch ya later, and keep up the good work.
Later - K.C.
me again - 11/12/00 11:53:28
My Email:same
Sex: same
Marital Status: same
Occupation: same
Favorite Movie: many others...
Favorite Band: probaby a bunch i don't know about
Re: Info from the Porum advertising booklet...for
Mike Adams who signed your guest book 5/98 and asked what the heck did Porum mean..."The Cherokee word Porum is a fitting name for this embryo city... "which, in their meaning signifies the land of opportunity."
Merilyn - 11/12/00 11:39:44
Sex: Not interested anymore...
Marital Status: 2nd time around
Occupation: Grandma to 2 boys + triplet girls
Favorite Movie: The Sting, Day of the Condor, and The Music Man
Favorite Band: I like lots of music
Cleaning out my husbands "stuff". Found old booklet advertising the new town of Porum "$40.00 shall be the price of each lot and the Porum Immigration Co. proposes to sell every lot...
So I started looking...and found your site...I/ve been reading for over an hour!
Christy - 10/30/00 01:56:08
Hey Wayne...just stopped by to see what you've done with the mag...saw the photo you have posted of the I-40 construction...during my visit, I drove through there and was momentarily confused...LOL...hope it's finished soon!!
Earney & Faye Hatley - 10/29/00 22:02:21
Sex: male & female
Marital Status: Married
Occupation: Retired
Favorite Movie: Urban Cowboy
Favorite Band: Trace Adkins
I liked it it was real interesting. keep up the good work.
Faye Hatley
Sharon(jones) Dillard & Alvin Dillard - 10/23/00 09:07:04
Sex: Female & Male
Marital Status: Married
Occupation: Housewife & he's a truck Driver
Favorite Movie: Dirty Dancing & and any Mel Gibson movies
Favorite Band: Neal Mcoy
Hi Wayne just stoped by to look at the porum page again keep up the good work.
sincerely Yours,
Mr&Mrs Alvin Dillard
Loucinda - 10/19/00 14:43:04
Sex: female
Marital Status: married
I am hoping that someone will read this that knows someone that I am desperately trying to get ahold of. Last I knew, they lived in Porum but it has been a long time. I'm looking for Dee & Laurene Harris, Judy Harris, or Thaddeus Todd. Please email me
f you know how I can contact any of these people, espescially Thaddeus. Thank you.
Loucinda - 10/19/00 14:42:35
Sex: female
Marital Status: married
I am hoping that someone will read this that knows someone that I am desperately trying to get ahold of. Last I knew, they lived in Porum but it has been a long time. I'm looking for Dee & Laurene Harris, Judy Harris, or Thaddeus Todd.Pleas email me if
ou know how I can contact any of these people, espescially Thaddeus. Thank you.
Molly Thomason - 10/06/00 18:44:12
My URL:/fire_ball_66/rusty.html
Sex: Female
Marital Status: Single/Divorced
Occupation: Health Care
Favorite Movie: Highlander
Favorite Band: Ricochette
Really loved your work,I've been back here for 18 years and didnt know we had all these things......
By the way we are neighbors....I live in Vian.....
I have 80 acres of land 5 miles outside of Porum..
We have our Family Reunion's each July at Porum Landing...Beautiful country....Hooray for Oklahoma!!
larry and gaylene hines - 09/30/00 01:08:55
Sex: male and female
Marital Status: married
Occupation: retired
Favorite Movie: walker texas ranger
Favorite Band: oldies
we have been in porum we have some very special friends who live in porum.when you see the browns and the reasons tell them we love them.
Janet Maxey Chambers - 09/24/00 04:46:45
Favorite Movie: The Philadelphia Story, Arsenic and Old Lace, All of The Thin Man Movies, Erin Brockovich, Armageddin
Favorite Band: Pink Floyd, Def Leppard, Collective Soul
Great Website! I particularly enjoyed all the Porum history. Although we didn't actually "grow up" in Porum, my younger brother, sister and I almost feel like we did. Our parents and grandparents and on our father's side, even our great-grandparents are f
om Porum. We spent many weeks in the summer and many weekends of our childhoods there. It is a rich part of our family history. Thank you for the memories!
Ben & Hazel Jones - 09/15/00 04:29:05
Sex: Male & Female
Marital Status: Married
Occupation: Truck Driver & Provider
Favorite Movie: Walk like a man
Favorite Band: Merle Haggard
Wayne, We enjoyed you web page our children all went to school in Porum. keep up the good work.
Sharon Jones Dillard - 09/15/00 04:23:41
Sex: Female
Marital Status: Married
Occupation: Housewife
Favorite Movie: Dirty Dancing
Favorite Band: Neil Mcoy
Wayne this is great keep up the good work.
Keth - 09/15/00 02:31:08
Sex: whenever possible but not with you
I think i saw the tracks of hordes of rabid pinnapples nearby in the thick dust that surrounds
this gestbook. Don't worry if they try to invade
I'll slice 'em in half ;-)
Roger - 09/15/00 02:28:23
Sex: Male
Favorite Movie: Chill Factor
Favorite Band: Lynyrd Skynyrd
Good job on the Porum Page went to school in Porum
grad. in 1981.
Lowayna Bingham - 09/07/00 22:50:55
Sex: Female
Marital Status: Married
Occupation: GIS Security Control Coordinator for ExxonMobil Corp. Office
Favorite Movie: Fried Green Tomatoe's
Favorite Band: ZZTop
I still love visiting your web page. You have done a great job. It makes me feel like I'm home again. I like to know what's going on there. And I like reading your controversial subjects. Everyone has there opinions and I'm glad your not afraid to express
yours. Unfortunatly some people's vocabulary isn't large enough to make more civilized comments. Keep up the good work.
- 08/18/00 06:54:24
Sex: female
Marital Status: married
Occupation: part time waitress full time mom
Favorite Movie: The other sister
Favorite Band: george jone
great web site its still looking good. You could also put in your updates that Zack Hyslop was in the national enquirer august 15 2000 for being shot execution style and living to tell about it. well keep up the good work on keeping everyone informed on
the news but me myself i would like to hear more about what goes on in that small town i used to live in.
Mike A. - 08/14/00 04:21:04
Occupation: Staker
Favorite Movie: Still has to be "Ryan"
Favorite Band: J. Buffett (it's still summer)
Just checking in. Still a great site.
Christy - 07/18/00 20:53:51
Favorite Band: Today it's Jimmy Page and The Black Crowes
I see you've updated...nice those weather action shots...don't let anyone fool you...exciting weather is where it's at!!!
mandy - 07/18/00 03:35:03
Sex: female
Marital Status: married
Occupation: dirt measurer
Favorite Movie: the princess bride
Favorite Band: metallica
your page is nothing short of perfection. of
course, you know my favorite page is the movie
page. i think you'd be great in princess bride.
thanks for covering the stories of "the ol'
Donna (Mooney) Stinnett - 07/17/00 03:14:17
My URL:http://don't remember
Sex: sister
Marital Status: Married almost 10 yrs
Occupation: mommy mostly
Favorite Movie: too many to choose from
Favorite Band: ??Alannis Morrisette?? Garth..Shania..and since I have a young daughter, Britney Spears.
I'm just signing this to get my email address up here in case someone who knows me should happen to be reading your guest book and decide to email me!!! I can't remember my homepage address and would be embarrased for anyone to see it anyway as I haven't
orked on it in 2 years. Your site is still wonderful and getting better all the time and Brent really enjoyed the bikini page..thanks a lot. LOL.
SHOP - 07/16/00 08:12:44
Sex: Male
Marital Status: 22 Years
Occupation: Computer Sales & Service
Favorite Movie: Several
Favorite Band: Most All 70s Rock Bands
Wayne :
Dude we need alot more photos of the Bikini Contest & alot less Weather , Our sites get about 1500 hits a week and our visitors love Bikinis :o}
Yer Friend : Kenny
Visit us online @
Emma Ernest(Harris) - 07/06/00 04:37:25
Sex: Female
Marital Status: Married
Occupation: Homemaker
I was raised in Prum and like coming to this link to view what I am missing. And to keep the memories alive. It's a good town.
Viola Cole - 06/30/00 05:22:59
Hey there is a discussion board on cwis that is fun to post your veiws. check it out go to ( )and click on local discussion board.
Lots of different topics or choose your own
Kim Vinzant - 06/22/00 07:41:38
Sex: girlie
Marital Status: i'm 14 and you know my dad would kill me.
Occupation: going to school and sleeping
Favorite Movie: American Pie, Bigdaddy and 8 seconds
Favorite Band: limpbizkit, kidrock, kittie, sr71, korn, nineinchnails, bush, creed and eminem
Hey Wayne! I was bored so I decided to look at your page again. Keep up the good work! ~BuH-Bye~
Steve S - 05/23/00 18:06:02
Keep up the good work! Keep us Porum alumni informed... With gas prices what they are, this sure is better than driving down there.
BeeHunter - 05/19/00 03:35:04
Sex: Drone
Marital Status: Married to the Queen
Occupation: Backtracker
Favorite Movie: None
Favorite Band: Muskogee Roughers
shar - 05/13/00 02:39:23
Sex: not in a week
Marital Status: single
Occupation: telemarketer
Favorite Movie: Hope Floats
Favorite Band: none just Garth Brooks
Nice page, looks at it a lot
Me - 05/02/00 23:50:03
I'm very moved by the adoption story...good news and loving hearts is what it's all about!! I'm also happy to see you are sticking with the magazine...Peace.
Dodee - 04/30/00 01:14:45
Sex: Female
Marital Status: Still VERY Happily
Occupation: Corrugate Operator (Graham Pkg.)
Favorite Movie: Ladyhawk
Favorite Band: Eagles
Thanks for not giving in to the "you know whos" and continuing with the Mag..Thank you for letting Brenda tell about Tony,"Uncle Larry" and "Aunt Dodee" love and think the world of Tony.
beth shannon - 04/26/00 17:54:59
Sex: female
Marital Status: sooooooo married (chuckle)
Occupation: realty assistant/housewife/mother/grandma
Favorite Movie: grumpy old men
Favorite Band: love most music but don't bother with names
Loved your magazine - put it on my favorites to browse through occasionally.
Found it while looking for a lakefront lot for sale on lake Eufaula. Hope to retire onto that lot (if I ever find it) in a few years. Nice to have found a magazine that gives me a feel for the area and it's people.
Glad you are out there :)
Mark Goodner - 04/23/00 14:55:39
Sex: Male
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Police Officer/ Deputy Sheriff
Favorite Movie: Romeo & ZJuliet
Favorite Band: ZZ Top
Love the web page keep up the good work and let us know if we can be of any help
:) - 04/12/00 20:29:15
Occupation: licensed massage therapist
Favorite Movie: Fargo
Favorite Band: Grateful Dead, Rusted Root, Bob Marley
Comments:'s good to see that people are being a little kinder...I'm proud of you and your hard have all of my support, even 2,000 miles away....Peace.
Kim Cash - 04/10/00 20:35:38
Sex: female
Marital Status: divorced
Occupation: finance/payroll asst./Crane School District
Favorite Movie: too many to list
Favorite Band: George Strait
I have family that live in Briartown and the Porum
area. I live in Yuma, Arizona and always love visiting Briartown. It's been years since I have been back there. Can't wait to get back that way.
Lurline Donelson (Dodee) - 04/10/00 15:03:20
Sex: Female
Marital Status: Happily Married
Occupation: Corrugate Operator (Graham Pkg.)
Favorite Movie: Ladyhawk
Favorite Band: Eagles
I enjoyed your Page. Thank You!
Viola Cole - 04/09/00 03:15:36
Sex: Female
Marital Status: 22 years
Occupation: Professional Yard Sale Customer---I help with My husbands business
Favorite Movie: Armageddon and Movies that are based on true events
Favorite Band: REO--All the good bands from the 70's
Been reading some of your pages. Brings back the good memories. The Cemetery stuff is interesting I have friends and relatives that are doing family tree stuff so i forward the site to them. i know you are a good Dad to your kids. Just wait tell you get g
andkids they are the greatest. Thanks Viola
andrea - 04/07/00 19:50:00
Sex: female
Marital Status: married
Occupation: stay at home mom
i really enjoyed your site i got to read alot of stuff about porum that i really didnt know. The first time i signed your guest book i know was a rude gester but it was how i felt and i have always been told to let everyone know how i feel so please dont
ake any offense to what was said.
Buddha - 04/07/00 17:34:35
My Email:bd@idon't thinkso
Sex: male
Favorite Movie: Sixth Sense
Favorite Band: Shania
Phone calls, hate mail, nasty guests? These are the people and the town you've been bragging about for 3 years? Loved those pages, wish you hadn't taken them off. Those editorials were funny and informative.We'll catch you in the chats, this should be int
resting. bud&sharon
Kenneth G. Cole - 04/06/00 06:31:39
Sex: Male
Marital Status: Married 22 Years
Occupation: Custom Built Computers
Favorite Movie: ARMAGEDDON
Favorite Band: REO Speedwagon
Wayne : We have only recently found your site and have just finished looking at it , I can see alot of effort has gone into it , and think it is a vital part of your community , Keep Up The Good Work and don't take my letter personally , it is only the op
nion of one person , and we would like to invite your readers to stop by our site at
or our mirror site located at
Thanks Again : for posting my letter
Sincerely : K Cole
Andrea Wren "Cole" - 04/06/00 03:40:53
Sex: female
Marital Status: married
Occupation: stay at home mom
Favorite Movie: the story of us
Favorite Band: george jones
In response to you letter I read about the softball field I would just like to ask if you even knew what you were talking about. Or were you just jealous that you couldn't sit on your skinny a*s*s and did you not do your research that in order to draw wel
are you have to make under a certain amount of money and if your implying that the staff draws welfare then maybe your implying they need to be paid more so they won't need the welfare to get by on and feed their kids. As of the softball field being used
y a little league team why not? I mean if you think about it wouldn't you call it practice for when they get into high school and they are the softball or baseball players. As for the support personel being spiteful, uneducated, arrogant lard asses well
it was left up to your board and your superintendent to do the hiring and rehiring so I guess you are calling them all of the above also.
Tim and Janis Dearman - 04/05/00 01:48:38
Marital Status: Still married after 27 yrs.
Occupation: Both teaching in Las Vegas
Thanks for putting a web site up that people from the area can look at, reminesce, and bring back fond memories. This is a web site that I will have my students look at and see where I came from, my history, ties to people, and the wonderful state I call
Tim and Janis Dearman
Debbie Smith - 04/04/00 03:58:00
Occupation: none
Favorite Movie: There's so many good ones.
Favorite Band: So many good one's.
Hi everyone, my page has employment opportunities for Muskogee area, and apartments and more. If you want to open a business in Porum, the rent is $1.00 a year only, so come to the area people! We need more stuff goin' on around here!
:) - 04/04/00 03:53:22
Occupation: massage therapist
Favorite Movie: Fargo
Favorite Band: Grateful Dead, Rusted Root, Bob Marley
Hey you, still waiting on that new edition of the Porum's nice seeing the town experiencing a stand for the children!! Peace.
Gina (Dearman) Eslick - 04/01/00 18:15:08
Sex: female
Marital Status: married
Occupation: Teacher
Favorite Movie: Titanic
Favorite Band: N'SYNC
Good to see all the old pictures of Porum. They bring back many memories.
Wayne Julian - 03/21/00 22:18:03
Hello..Glad to see all the info on Porum. You have been busy..just wanted to say Hi and thanks for your work..
Steph Doyle - 03/09/00 17:19:46
Sex: Cowboy
Marital Status: Nope
Occupation: Independent country music recording artist
Favorite Movie: Anything with some action, romance, and lots of fun.
Favorite Band: I'm partial to Miss Patty Lovelace
I really enjoyed my virtual visit to Porum. Thanks for sharin' your neck of the woods with me.
doesn't matter - 03/05/00 18:36:54
Funny, I don't recall seeing YOUR name on any school board ballots. You talk the talk, do you walk the walk?
Christy - 02/10/00 00:25:43
Sex: female
Marital Status: single
Occupation: Licensed Massage Therapist
Favorite Movie: Fargo
Favorite Band: Grateful Dead and Bob Marley and the Wailers and Rusted Root
I moved to Porum in Nov. of 1980 from was hard coming to a town that was so was hard making friends...even harder if one didn't play a sport...but I seemed to make it and graduated in 1984! I completely moved from Porum in 1989
for I live In Seattle,, imagine my surprise when I found this site...sure brought back the memories...What easy time of things I had living there...So, if any of my friends are reading this...Hello to you and I'd love to hear from you.
.has there ever been a reunion of Class of 84? I was never informed...Anyway...Peace to All!!
cindee - 01/14/00 13:46:08
You're probably right, but not everytime do BOTH people think like you do. You should submit your ideas on relationships to this url.
mejane - 01/14/00 01:24:02
Marital Status: d-i-v-o-r-c-e
Hey Waynzon..that was SOOOOO obviously aimed at someone (the love thing); fess up, who's got her hooks in you? You'll be going away soon..I can read your mind.
catch you at geo
Barb - 01/13/00 18:26:06
My Email:barbiedollie98@yahoo
Sex: Female and
Marital Status: Very Single
Occupation: Student, Special olympicscoach and work in Northern Reflections
Favorite Movie: Anything
Favorite Band: I love all music
My mother Jackie Hall is from Porum. If anyone knows her please E mail me with info. Also, howdy to all of my relatives in Porum.
Ed - 01/05/00 00:34:13
Sex: Male
Marital Status: Married
Occupation: Prison Guard
Favorite Movie: The Fountainhead
Favorite Band: .38 Spl.
Great site! Do you know who currently owns "Younger's Bend," Belle Starr's old home? Is it possible to see it and her grave?
Shirley Davis Braun - 12/19/99 07:25:48
Sex: female
Marital Status: married
Occupation: advertising
Favorite Movie: Top Gun
Favorite Band: ZZ Top
Hey Wayne,
hope this works!
Kim Vinzant - 12/19/99 00:38:13
Sex: gurl
Marital Status: single
Occupation: 8th grade Pirates Rule!!
Favorite Movie: ??
Favorite Band: ??
Good Page Wayne talk to ya later
you know - 12/09/99 02:13:13
My Email:you know
Sex: you know
Just checking in.
Vickie Taylor - 11/30/99 13:36:02
Neat page. I caught you little link to the Beatles even though I am a Country music fan.
Mike Ransom - 10/07/99 23:09:29
Occupation: (pre-) TV
Favorite Movie: 2001
Favorite Band: John Hiatt
If you grew up in Porum (like a friend of mine
back at OU, Mike Ogden) you might enjoy
my website, Tulsa TV Memories. See Mazeppa,
Mr. Zing & Tuffy, Uncle Zeb, Lee & Lionel,
keith & mandy - 09/22/99 04:55:11
Sex: male/female
Marital Status: not/married
Occupation: hotel clerk/surveyor
Favorite Movie: I loved you in Pulp Fiction!
Favorite Band: You were great with Hendrix
Cool site man! L*8*R!
keith & mandy - 09/22/99 04:54:17
Sex: male/female
Marital Status: not
player3 - 09/20/99 01:56:43
The softball page takes a while to load, but those of us who know them, like it, and appreciate the work you did.
j. Coelho - 09/17/99 06:18:08
Very interesting, Looked on the Web for info on Porum Before are trip to Ok. Found nothing. Last night just serching about and came across your site. Small town, better place to raise children. I thought all the people had left Ok. and moved to Calif. Ver
impressed with your state and the people we met.(a californian)
j. Coelho - 09/17/99 06:15:16
Very interesting, Looked on the Web for info on Porum Before are trip to Ok. Found nothing. Last night just serching about and came across your site. Small town, better place to raise children. I thought all the people had left Ok. and moved to Calif. Ver
impressed with your state and the people we met.(a californian)
Clark K - 09/11/99 16:34:51
Marital Status: DIV.
Favorite Movie: TRUE GRIT (you never made any movies with the duke? )
Favorite Band: kiss
just piddling and done a search on porum and imagine my surprise at finding your have done a great job and i really enjoyed it, keep up the good work !! the remberance of kim was nice, she was a great girl and i know we will all miss all of them.
Rick C. - 08/16/99 13:11:15
My URL:http://no one
Favorite Movie: Of course now it's the Blair Witch Project...
Nice job, Wayne. Just saw the 'virtual tour. I've had a lot of requests for your Porum Page address. I've made a lot of contacts through this page... people I haven't heard from in almost 30 years. Kewl!!! Thanks again. Keep up the good work. Tell Chuck
o email me.
Vicki - 07/28/99 13:59:14
Very nice site. I thoroughly enjoyed my visit and will return again.
hey wayne dont you have a pick of the ones that used to beat you and buster in foosball back in 75 LOL
Jackie Fisher Yokley - 06/29/99 00:54:34
Sex: female
Marital Status: dicorced
Occupation: Material Processor
Favorite Movie: Driving Miss Daisy
Favorite Band: Van Halen
I like what you have done. I didn't see anything on the Fishers of Porum, though. I am the grand daughter of King and Florence Fisher who had 13 kids who where born and raised there in Porum. Most still there and some have went back and retired there.
have a lot of information including pictures, yours for the asking!
Brent Burwell - 03/25/99 02:49:20
Sex: Male
Marital Status: Divorced
Occupation: ODOT'er
Love your page Wayne. Haven't read it all but I will. Looks like you've put in a lot of time on it. By the way, thanks again for the Braggs Mtn job... it will be a lot of help.
calypgin - 02/07/99 04:48:37
Hey, Okie!
Great site!....Thanks for visiting my Famous Okies! Do we have a Great State, or what??????? *g*
Mike Adams - 01/07/99 06:10:07
Sex: I will resist the temptation
Marital Status: 15 years
Occupation: Same as you
Favorite Movie: Several at once.Click.
Favorite Band: Pick a fave?
Hiyo Wayne-o! Please note the new e-mail(at home)
Nelson - 01/06/99 06:09:52
Sex: Yes
Marital Status: Happy
Occupation: Petroleum Engineer
Favorite Movie: Moby Dick
Favorite Band: Exploding Heads
Good job Cuz...
bob Vinzant - 01/03/99 03:59:33
Sex: male
Marital Status: dont know
Occupation: lots of them
Favorite Movie: The Horsewhisperer
Favorite Band: Beatles
cool page
Keep up the good work.
Donna aka §unflower - 01/02/99 00:11:54
My URL:/Heartland/Pointe/9074
Sex: female
Marital Status: married
Occupation: receptionist/patient accts rep
Favorite Movie: Steel Magnolias
I love the tour of Porum...keep up the good work...can't wait to see more!! Almost makes Porum look good (I grew up there for those of you who don't know) I'll be checking back to see what's new!
Donna aka §unflower - 01/02/99 00:07:43
Present - 12/27/98 09:09:54
My URL:http://don't have one sorry
Just a quick note to say thanks for letting me see your wonderful State, I am from Australia and have never been State side.
Although I have not gone through your entire site the little i saw of it looks great will check it out later though.
Your sister told me about this just in case your are wondering how i found it.
I hope that you are continuing to grow and become happier even though you have been through a rough time lately
take care thanks once again bye for now
PS Your children look charming and i am sure they are too. :-)
Rick Clements - 12/05/98 23:12:07
My URL:Email me and I might tell ya.
Sex: All Male
Marital Status: Divorced to the 3rd power
Occupation: Diver, Self-Employed
Favorite Movie: Anything by Tarantino
Favorite Band: Hendrix, Joplin, Lynard Skynard, Manson, Jewel...
I had to check out your Guestbook. Being a former Porumite it's good to know you have this page up. I haven't read all the literary content that everyone is talking about, but it sounds like you've done a good job. I am hoping to find other Porumites to '
hat' with. Especially those from my era...1960 to 1976. Or anyone associated with them, I probably know a lot of smut on their parents. :-) Anyone who moved there after that probably only knows the 'stories'. Come on now, does anyone remember ole Rick???
rop me a line at Oh, Yeah... for the guy who asked what Porum means... The town was named after Sam Porum. The original townsite was north a ways.
Rick Clements - 12/05/98 22:59:36
My URL:Email me and I might tell ya.
Sex: All Male
Marital Status: Divorced to the 3rd power
Occupation: Diver, Self-Employed
Favorite Movie: Anything by Tarantino
Favorite Band: Hendrix, Joplin, Lynard Skynard, Manson, Jewel...
I had to check out your Guestbook. Being a former Porumite it's good to know you have this page up. I haven't read all the literary content that everyone is talking about, but it sounds like you've done a good job. I am hoping to find other Porumites to '
hat' with. Especially those from my era...1960 to 1976. Or anyone associated with them, I probably know a lot of smut on their parents. :-) Anyone who moved there after that probably only knows the 'stories'. Come on now, does anyone remember ole Rick???
rop me a line at Oh, Yeah... for the guy who asked what Porum means... The town was named after Sam Porum. The original townsite was north a ways.
§unflower - 11/22/98 17:12:28
Sex: female
Marital Status: married
Occupation: undecided
Favorite Movie: Hope Floats/While You Were Sleeping
Favorite Band: naah....Garth, Reba, Shania
I visited your page hoping for some recent Porum news. I realize it's a very small town but there must be SOMETHING happening!! Holiday stuff? Parades? Anything? :-(
Pootie T - 10/21/98 23:18:42
Marital Status: DHS
Occupation: STUNT MAN
Favorite Movie: BAMBI
Gary Goodner - 10/07/98 01:07:54
Occupation: Sales
Favorite Movie: Sleepless in Seattle
Favorite Band: Like em all
I agree with your statements. Having been a single Dad myself.
Now, the ex is trying to get back in my son's life since he made her a grandmother. But she has missed so much, but doesn't realize she has done anything wrong.
It's very sad.
10/04/98 11:51:06
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
HELENA - 09/24/98 01:24:19
Marital Status: DIVORCED
Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments:
I can't and won't leave my address. But I had to tell you that this page is a true inspiration, Bless you for what you are doing...I wish more men were like you. That essay sent chills and then you cracked me up..a very good balance. Good luck on the base
all, and the movies.
Bette (Purdom) Hankins - 09/19/98 15:17:37
My URL:http://www
Sex: Female
Marital Status: Married
Occupation: Teacher
Favorite Movie: Pretty Woman
Great work! Keep the local news coming. Tell my nephew Jimmy to keep the softball & basketball rolling.
Save his quarters for Thanksgiving!!!!!!
grenada - 09/13/98 02:13:22
Sex: female
Marital Status: married 5 years
Occupation: mom
Came to read the essay, it was beautifully written, but while here discovered 'THE SEASON IN HELL" That is lovely, I read every word and this is a fantastic site! You are right, Life is a series of small battles and I am glad to have shared that one with
ll of you. Keep it up on the Net forever.
Linda - 09/11/98 03:16:43
Sex: Female
Marital Status: Divorced
Occupation: Registered Nurse
I am very proud of the responsibility and diligence you seem to have accepted in raising your children by yourself. Parenting is a big huge responsibility, especially when you do it alone. A family was never meant to be split, and children torn between
om and day. God Bless
you and your efforts with your little ones.
Dads like you are what parenting is all about.
Your children are very fortunate to have you.
Steve - 09/09/98 23:58:00
Just messing around after work and stumbled across your page. This is great. I left Porum in 1985. It's great to have a place to check in on and see what's happening. I haven't looked at everything you have yet, but I will come back later in the week
nd check out more. That was really cool seeing your commencement page. I remember most of those names. (Particularly my cousin Karen). I graduated in 1981, so I remember Miss Williams and Mr. Tinney. Keep up the good work, and keep us hometown
rs informed. Be back later.
Bubba Strokes - 08/20/98 02:46:29
Sex: no thanks
Marital Status: widower
Occupation: taste tester
Favorite Movie: deliverance
Favorite Band: porter waggner
Not since I've been parolled have I read such a
fine down home spun article on a small town.
I'm soon planning to return to prison.When I do
I will tell my buddies about your web page........
Sarah - 08/09/98 15:34:06
I really like your page and think it's coming along great. Keep up all the good work!
Maureen - 07/18/98 06:29:59
Sex: Female
Marital Status: Divorced
Occupation: Federal Government
Favorite Movie: Lady and the Tramp
Favorite Band: Beach Boys (dates me, doesn't it)
Terrific site - laughed (which felt good) at your baseball story - reminded me of one season my now 11 yr old played - only they never won one game - and only a few mothers in attendance. Nice to see another parent taking it in stride. You've got a grou
of nice looking kids - Keep it up!!
maria - 07/16/98 00:46:27
Family values says all that there is to say. Good essay, good idea, good pages.
deborah - 07/04/98 18:20:21
Marital Status: married
Occupation: teacher grade school
Fourth of July, searching Geocities with relatives when I stumbled onto this site. You have a marvelous essay and the baseball page is perfect for the 4th. Had to tell you good job. We may just have to come visit Porum some day. I wrote this address down
nd will visit you when I get my own computer in August. Very good job.
Porum Public School - 06/29/98 18:08:54
Sex: male
Occupation: student
Favorite Movie: Austin Powers
Favorite Band: Montel Jorden
I like your page. Keep working on it. It needs more pictures of Derrick, because he is so cool and awsome. If you would put some more pictures of Brad, too. BYE!!!!
MARLAB. - 06/28/98 15:13:43
Thanks for sharing that with us. Be there next year, I am sure. A beautiful tribute to kids everywhere.
sadie - 06/28/98 13:56:21
Veyor,had to sign your guestbook after the chat and visit!!Whoa, good site. Season in Hell is fantastic. The essay tells me more about you than meeting you ever could. Thanks for this site.
Goose - 06/28/98 02:01:14
After reading the essay, I wonder why you didn't put that kind of writing effort in the baseball page. Unreal humanity on that page. Do you know you are sitting on a book? We thought all along that it may be a joke, but any Little League coach or parent k
ows it is all too true, though not as dramatically as yours. Very unusual work, most unique thing I have spotted on the internet.
Ciara - 06/27/98 11:08:37
Congrats on the Season.. it might have been a "Season in Hell" but it was surely a great season of growing.. Looking foward to next season.. glad to see you are keeping the page up if possible..
Donna - 06/27/98 05:36:33
Sex: female
Marital Status: Married
Occupation: flunky
Favorite Movie: not Titanic yet
Favorite Band: ??
The picture of Seth Whitman on the Hell page is not opening up for some reason...thought you'd want to know.
shelly - 06/20/98 03:37:09
Hi veyor, stop in on your sight to get the icq download for a freind from brent's page. I love the music scared me when it came on. hope to chat with you later. shelly
brian donaldson - 06/18/98 20:02:22
Sex: male
Marital Status: married
Occupation: surveyor
Favorite Movie: raising arizona
Favorite Band: black crows
one half of a whole - 06/18/98 03:10:58
You inspire me!!!!Keep writing.. and I'll keep chatting.. *smile*
Billy Parsons - 06/12/98 16:02:14
Occupation: Farm & Resort
We own and operate Treetop View Cabins on the Glover River in Southeast O K,check us out at
Thanks Billy
- 06/11/98 13:34:05
Ciara* - 06/11/98 02:11:24
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Advertising
Favorite Movie: Many.....
Favorite Band: All Kinds.. depends on mood at the time
Thank you for inviting me to your page, i enjoyed it and learning about OK. Will come back and visit and look forward to updates. :)
shelly - 06/10/98 18:06:51
hi wayne, what a great site. I can't imagine the time you put in it. I will stop by again. talk to you later. shelly
Marie - 06/10/98 05:02:31
Sex: Female
Marital Status: Married
I wanted to let you know that I was by and wanted to congratulate you on a job well done! I don't know how you manage to find the time to do a homepage but you do it well. God Bless You and Your Family. Marie
jenni - 06/06/98 21:59:19
My Email:?//????
Sex: girly
Occupation: your daughter
Favorite Movie: the movie What
Favorite Band: ????????????????????
your web page is the bomb man
Crystal - 06/05/98 23:24:38
Sex: female
Occupation: casheir
Favorite Band: Backstreet Boys
Its a cool page I like it. Maybe I will come see it some day
Sooners - 05/30/98 22:22:19
Sex: dudes
Marital Status: duh
YEAH,YEAH,YEAH...That's more like the team we love. Don't have a gun do you? Still winning our bets. Keep up the GOOD work. :(
coach - 05/30/98 22:22:14
Don't hang it up yet, anybody down there know how to use a phone?
Del Buckmaster - 05/27/98 16:50:21
My Email:Del Buckmaster/
Sex: male
Marital Status: yes
Occupation: Surveyor O.D.O.T.
Favorite Movie: Top Gun
Favorite Band: K.C.& THE SUNSHINE BAND
marlene - 05/27/98 04:42:26
My Email:the Dairy Queen
Sorry about that, I was there. But your 1st baseman did say bullshit. However, I don't blame him. Check your E-mail.
Donna - 05/25/98 02:54:30
Sex: female
Marital Status: Married...7 years tomorrow
Occupation: Busy
Favorite Movie: Still not Titanic
I love the essay, you are a wonderful writer. For anyone reading this, every word is true and we should all listen and take heed. Life is too short to always look for the bad and focus on the bad. Search for the good things in your life and work to make t
em even better. If you have children you are so fortunate. Just look at them and you'll find your focus.
Marianne aka aristocat2 - 05/25/98 01:06:12
Sex: female
Marital Status: divorced
Occupation: Corporate Paralegal
Favorite Movie: no favorite
Favorite Band: like all kinds of music
I had to stop by and visit since you had such nice things to say in my guestbook. What a surprise to discover that we have several things in common - I am also a high school graduate from the bicentenial class and a single parent who unfortunately has se
n true addiction. My daughter's father spent the first 5 1/2 years of her life in prison because of drugs. My worst fear is that now that they are building a relationship it won't last for long because of his compulsive behaviors. I admire you for your
strength and commitment to your children - our children are our priorities now, but I do believe that one day we will love again and be loved!
Jean and Robert - 05/20/98 02:34:03
You took the stories out about the town, we were getting a kick out of it. Bring 'em back.
Dilberrt - 05/16/98 22:52:18
Warn us if you are putting MUSIC on your pages, I'm sneaking in here from my "cubicle" at work, almost got me busted!!
sharon - 05/16/98 22:46:48
Sex: don't understand the question?
Marital Status: single
Oh, you ARE good. I thought you were being sarcastic until you put daydream believer on there. Excellent. They will win the next one. I believe in you all. Do the kids see this page?
coach - 05/16/98 22:19:55
page is still good, although you haven't worked on the others. How do you work on that pick-off? Well, if you have no talent (you don't) you run them back, and hope the outfield is ready to back up. Let the catcher "run" back the runner at third. Be aggre
ive, growl, run fast. That's all I can tell you not actually seeing the team, which I would love to do. How do you get up for a team that has beaten you for a combined score of 35 to 3 ???Just learn something every game, at least they are turning double p
Little Sis - 05/12/98 23:35:15
Sex: What's that?
Marital Status: still
Occupation: number 1 fan
Favorite Movie: still not Titanic
Yeah Brad and Jeff. Way to go.....knew you could do it!!! Keep up the good work guys and don't forget to HAVE FUN!!!
Cap'n Ron - 05/12/98 04:42:02
Sex: rarely
Occupation: Someone who spends too much time at this.
Take the Captain's advice..let Purdom coach..and keep the gals..What no uniform news????
Sooners - 05/12/98 04:39:04
Sex: dudes man dudes
Occupation: students
Favorite Band: all of 'em
DO NOT CHANGE THE NAME!!This dorm is printing your page and posting it. We're having fun with it and Sharon needs to mellow out. We're betting on Gore tonight in the hopes that this page doesn't get boring.
Sharon - 05/12/98 04:34:19
Sex: single
Don't change the name. Where's thte pics?And who was fighting?
Amy - 05/12/98 04:33:20
Sex: you know
Marital Status: you know
Occupation: been here already
Hey, they won!!You going to change that nasty name of your page now? Hope they win tomorrow.
Sharon - 05/11/98 01:43:31
Marital Status: single
How does a guy like you get single? You have a great imagination and I have bookmarked this page for reference, when are you going to let us see these kids we hear about and which two were fghting? Didn't know you had web in small towns..that's great. Goo
Amy - 05/11/98 01:38:13
Marital Status: 5 years
Occupation: momma
Favorite Band: I love REM
A friend told my husband about your page and we had to look, we have a son in Little League in Marietta Georgia and are getting a kick out of your page. Good work.
Moss Roffett - 05/09/98 19:15:34
Sex: i have to answer that???
Marital Status: I'm only 13, duh!
Occupation: same as above ^
Favorite Movie: (none)
Favorite Band: (none)
I looked at your page again...still not doing well on the team, eh?
guess if you can - 05/08/98 19:20:37
My Email:microwhat?
Sex: male
Marital Status: married 19 great years (better make that 16 great years)
Occupation: same as your'un
Favorite Movie: George of the Jungle
Favorite Band: Eagles
Great page Mooney. Keep up the good work. It's looking better each time I have come by. By the way this must be your 1st Little League Season because that's the way they usually go (uniforms always seem to be late). Good luck to the team
Sally - 05/08/98 12:14:07
Takes awhile to load but worth it. Like more on that softball team, I play in Kansas. Real good stuff here.
Jean and Robert - 05/08/98 04:56:34
My Email:sorry
Marital Status: yes
Occupation: Jersey jerks
Favorite Movie: Titanic, of course
Favorite Band: The Eagles
Nice page. Got a whole small midwestern town for us all to see. Thank You..We forgot about the rest of the world and its SO nice to see it every so often. Keep it up.
Donna - 05/08/98 03:21:50
My URL:http://can't remember my address!
Sex: Wayne, I can't believe you would ask me that!
Marital Status: Not extremely happy, but ok.
Occupation: Assistant Office Manager of medical practice..not always a pleasant title.
Favorite Movie: Not Titanic..I 'm the only person in the universe who hasn't seen it yet.
Favorite Band: Nada...Leanne Rimes, Garth Brooks, etc.
Wonderful, wonderful page. And I'd say that even if you weren't my brother! You're neice will be starting soccer soon so maybe I'll keep updates about that on my page when I figure out how! Should be interesting....all 3-5 year olds! You're doing a great
ob..keep updating for us in Missouri.
Cap'n Ron - 05/07/98 03:16:39
My Email:not yet buddy
Sex: rarely
Marital Status: You really don't care
Occupation: see above
Favorite Band: see above
good start, decent graphics, love the season in hell and my co workers are gonna be checking it out...Brent's link has ICQ..should say something about that too. Really neat page but who the hell cares about that Starr guy???
Mike Adams - 05/06/98 16:19:17
My Email:you-know-where
Sex: infrequently
Marital Status: yes
Occupation: Class a surveyor
Favorite Movie: The Blue Max
Favorite Band: Eagles
Thank you for the wonderful info, but just what the hell does Porum mean?
Kelly - 05/06/98 02:57:20
Sex: duh
Marital Status: duh
Occupation: stuent
Favorite Movie: titanic
Favorite Band: bush
cool. I think i know you. Don't work is a great page.B chking on you. :)
coach - 05/06/98 02:45:55
good page, nice fish and the dragon thing is great. Those kids need some help, try