Ta-dah! My Guestbook!

Tammy Western - 07/20/00 18:22:05
My URL:/Heartland/Acres/8262
My Email:atjawest@mountain.net
How did you find out about my page?: just surfing
What do you think about it?: Wonderful job!

I really like the colors of Chelsea's quilt. Great job!

Tammy Western - 07/20/00 18:21:55
My URL:/Heartland/Acres/8262
My Email:atjawest@mountain.net
How did you find out about my page?: just surfing
What do you think about it?: Wonderful job!

I really like the colors of Chelsea's quilt. Great job!

Tammy Western - 07/20/00 18:20:33
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/8262
My Email:atjawest@mountain.net
How did you find out about my page?: just surfing
What do you think about it?: Wonderful job!

I really like the colors of Chelsea's quilt. Great job!

dan niespodzianski - 01/21/99 15:25:59
My Email:pvtputts111
How did you find out about my page?: typed my last name
What do you think about it?: cool


Elaine Senick - 01/13/99 19:48:50
My Email:esenick@prodigy.net
How did you find out about my page?: Blues Clues List
What do you think about it?: Terrific!!!!

You have a lovely Family and your quilts are absolutely beautiful. What talent!! Keep up the good work. Elaine

RIma - 01/12/99 00:57:15
How did you find out about my page?: known about it
What do you think about it?: cool

Hi try to get some of your scrap booking pics on there Rima

Kim Ferguson - 11/11/98 18:30:02
My Email:kferguso@wp.bsu.edu
How did you find out about my page?: Blues Clues List

I love to see pics of everyones kids! Your girls are soooo cute! I like to see mommy's too! It's nice to put a face with a name. However, we can't see your face in this pictures with you in it! :)

10/04/98 11:50:53
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

The Langfords - 09/18/98 15:30:43
How did you find out about my page?: Ski

Hey, I found your page again. You haven't changed the pictures of the girls since I was here last April. Need some of all of the girls. I won't be able to see them grow up while I'm here in England unless you post new pictures periodically! Miss you l ts!!!!!

Laurie dziuba - 08/09/98 19:45:51
How did you find out about my page?: surfing
What do you think about it?: Nice job!

I've got to find out how to do this home page business...it's so cool!

Lindsey Hartman - 06/27/98 15:21:15
My URL:http://none
My Email:sport7@jps.net
How did you find out about my page?: IQ
What do you think about it?: A scale of 1 to 10, this is definitely 11.

I loved it! Wish there was more pictures!

Tina Anderson - 06/23/98 00:02:20
My Email:anderson@minot.com
How did you find out about my page?: you
What do you think about it?: cool


Teresa - 06/09/98 04:00:09
My URL:http://members.aol.com/Trequilts/index.html
My Email:trequilts@aol.com
How did you find out about my page?: IQ

Sorry I just signed your guestbook and gave you the wrong URL for my brand new web page. I am new at this, as you can see. :) So the above URL will work not the one below.

Teresa - 06/09/98 03:43:55
My URL:http://members@aol.com/Trequilts/index.html
My Email:trequilts@aol.com
How did you find out about my page?: IQ
What do you think about it?: Great site.

Your children are precious. Just finished the 50 state block exchange and Cindy your sister-in-law was our Nebraska participant. It was nice to "meet" some of Cindy's Family. I just joined Interquilt and love it. Check out my new web page and see the N fty Fifty quilt and Cindy's Nebraska Quilt block!!!

Kathleen Grover - 05/20/98 03:31:08
My Email:kmgrover@hotmail.com
How did you find out about my page?: IQ
What do you think about it?: Impressive

My scanner is still rumbling ominously in the corner of my office; someday I will tame it. 'Til then, I am impressed by quilt photos online.

Norma Goodale - 05/15/98 02:33:35
My Email:goodalek@ainop.com
How did you find out about my page?: IQ post
What do you think about it?: great! Kids are beautiful!

Your kids are beautiful! Enjoyed see your quilts. I'm just learning how to scan my pictures and want to put them on the web. May e-mail you for help. Yours are nice and big and load fast!

Sandy Smith - 05/10/98 04:32:16
My Email:skram@toledotel.com
How did you find out about my page?: IQ post
What do you think about it?: interesting

enjoyed looking at the photos of quilts and family

Kim Boehmer - 05/06/98 04:58:58
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/8278
My Email:Juscou@yahoo.com
How did you find out about my page?: Hubby told me about it
What do you think about it?: great site

Those quilts are beautiful! I wish I had the patience to get into making them.

Rima - 05/01/98 01:37:10
My Email:rimamaria@geocities.com
What do you think about it?: I think it is great

Tracy, We can't wait to see you..... Friends Rima Charlie Sonja, JJ TOM HAAKON Mikey Bjorn

Becky Unangst - 04/26/98 17:29:19
My Email:sevyn@novia.net

We sure do miss you guys! Definitely need more pics of Courtney and Chelsea, and of you two! Hope to see you soon!

Diane Ippolito - 04/24/98 23:01:51
How did you find out about my page?: ICQ Post
What do you think about it?: Cool!

I just love to look at baby pictures! Thanks for sharing!

Diane Ippolito - 04/24/98 23:01:50
How did you find out about my page?: ICQ Post
What do you think about it?: Cool!

I just love to look at baby pictures! Thanks for sharing!

Judy Zak - 04/24/98 14:02:43
My Email:jzak@digizen.net
How did you find out about my page?: Your post on IQ
What do you think about it?: Very, very nice!

Thanks for pointing me in this direction I really enjoy looking at pics (esp. the wee bairns) Looking forward to seeing more pics when you can put 'em up, Chris. The ones you have are great...but then so's the wee bairn! *smile* Let's see the whole crew. Don't know when I'll have my page done...hopefully before 2000. .

tpmo - 04/24/98 13:39:14
My Email:toniquilt@juno.com
How did you find out about my page?: your IQ post
What do you think about it?: Love it

Love the pictures of the kids. Now need to see some of you and Chris :-)) I'm still working on my pages. Will let you know when I have them finished. By the way, I'm doing mine myself 'cause I'm the 'puter nerd in the family.

Diahn Langford - 04/23/98 23:24:41
How did you find out about my page?: Ski
What do you think about it?: Great pics!

Hey lady, Cieara is looking great! Need more pics of Chelsea and Courtney!!!!! I'll check out your quilts later. Gotta go. Keep in touch. Miss you all, it's too quiet here without you.

Dorothy - 04/21/98 23:49:09
My Email:dorothy@mail-me.com
How did you find out about my page?: Aunt Karen
What do you think about it?: Nice Job Chris!


Sally Keefe - 04/13/98 14:16:44
My Email:lkeefe@ncinter.net
How did you find out about my page?: Interquilt
What do you think about it?: Super job!

This is really a nice webpage, Tracy. I'm very impressed with what you've done. Love the pictures!

Debby Le - 04/13/98 13:37:09
My Email:D2Lee@aol.com
How did you find out about my page?: your post on IQ
What do you think about it?: Awesome!!

Loved the darling pictures of your children! They are precious. Loved looking at your quilts too. Thank you for sharing your life with all of us! Hugs from WI

Karen Huber - 04/09/98 02:10:09
My Email:rkhuber@ibm.net
How did you find out about my page?: your IQ Note
What do you think about it?: Fantastic

Great site -- Chris did a fantastic job! Can't wait to see more!

Jan Kovitz - 04/08/98 00:13:24
My Email:qwltrjan@interaccess.com
How did you find out about my page?: IQ
What do you think about it?: Cool. Good Job. Great Kids


Charlie Mathewson - 04/07/98 12:49:58
My URL:http://members.aol.com/SeaShuffle/index.html
My Email:dancepal@ma.ultranet.com
How did you find out about my page?: My wife told me - Rima
What do you think about it?: Great

Just love your kids - Rima loves both you kids and quilts. Like your husband, I helped Rima with her web page, but she did most of the work herself. She needs to come out of her shell - the computer is going to bite her.

Charlie Mathewson - 04/07/98 12:46:24
My URL:http://members.aol.com/SeaShuffle/index.html
My Email:dancepal@ma.ultranet.com
How did you find out about my page?: My wife told me - Rima
What do you think about it?: Great

Just love your kids - Rima loves both you kids and quilts. Like your husband, I help Rima with her web page, but she did most of the work herself. She needs to come out of her shell that the computer is going to bite her.

Rima - 04/06/98 03:23:20
My Email:rimamaria@geocities.com
How did you find out about my page?: you told me
What do you think about it?: It is so cute

Wow, I am impressed, you have done such a nice job proud to be your friend Rima and Sonja

Jan Andrews - 04/05/98 19:57:05
My Email:jandrews@goldstate.net
How did you find out about my page?: InterQuilt
What do you think about it?: Great!!

Good job Tracy! Love the quilt pictures.

Helen Wass - 04/05/98 19:32:07
My Email:jcrossin@nemaine.com
How did you find out about my page?: interquilt
What do you think about it?: love it!!

Really enjoyed your beautiful baby pix and quilts!

Wendy Smith - 04/05/98 19:01:00
My Email:Wendyqlts@aol.com
How did you find out about my page?: your InterQuilt post
What do you think about it?: love the pics of the kids!


Trudy Young - 04/05/98 19:00:53
My Email:2young@valint.net
How did you find out about my page?: Quilt List
What do you think about it?: Great

Good Job, Tracy!!!!!!!

Chris Niespodzianski - 04/05/98 16:33:27
My Email:chrisnez@telerama.com
How did you find out about my page?: I made it for you! :-)
What do you think about it?: I LOVE IT!

Everything I do, I do for you. I love you Tracy.

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