Keno's Little Place on the Web
hellO everyoNe! i fiNalee goT my canINe good citizeN certiFIkate! now i kaN bi onna kaYnine-l liStz esTeemedt sOsitee foR gud dOgkz! mY next akOMplishmenT is goINgk tu bi getTing my sertifikaTe tu be aN aniMal assIted theRapee doGk! hOpefuLlie iYll giT tu dU dat in maY! i alSo gOt tu dU soM ajiliTee, and reallY likedt it aloT! mOm sez iyM nOt berI fast, buT i saY hOO karez abouD fast? itz a lOT ub fuN! weLL, sPringK has fiNallee sprUngk aN it luKs like dem peepL ub mine r fiNallee startingK tu tHink aboud gettingK mY pOOl set up agiN! iyL bi swimmingK in no tyme! iYl repOrt moR NOoz froM da baKyard azit happins!
biG boneZ aN happI retReeVInk,
KenoTheLab, canINe good SITazin!

My friend, Jack Breitholle, Canine Good Citizen
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