Our new backyard addition in May of 2007.
In Memorium:
Click Here For Pat's Eulogy For His Dad
Click Here For Kathy, Dale, and Gale's Eulogy For Their Mom
Click Here For Pat's Eulogy For his Uncle and Godfather
In November of 2000, we met Mike Singletary.
Good Golly, Miss Molly (and Mister Moe, too!) Pictures of those two cool canines. Click the link below to see "The Kids"
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"For God so loved the world that He sent His only Son to die so that those who believe might be saved."
Agnes Jeschke (Kathy's mom), called to glory February 12, 1998
Bill Slupik (Pat's dad), called to glory June 12, 1998
Mitchell Slupik (Pat's uncle, called to glory August 13, 2002
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John 3:16
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