QCWA Journal Spring 1998 Excerpts from The Chapter 120 Report Many QCWA members are confused about our Chapter. We are not a separete organization. We are a chapter like any other QCWA Chapter. We were founded in 1979. The founding members K4LMB, W1ZEN and W4GXZ realized there were many YL's who were eligible for QCWA but were not members. Thus the purpose of this Chapter was to encourage qualified women amateurs to actively participate in QCWA activities. Any YL or OM who is a member of QCWA in good standing is eligible to join the QCWW Chapter. Dues are $5.00 a year. Our meeting is held once a year at the Annual QCWA Convention. If you would like to join contact our Secretary Lorraine Witkowski, WA1EDR, 812 McCallister Ave, Sun Sith Center, FL 33573. In 1999 we will celebrate 20th Anniversary. If you have any ideas or suggestions for this milestone, please let me know. If we put all our ideas together we should have a banner year in 1999. Blanche Randles, W4GXZ, President