
        Oct 10, 1998

        Minutes of QCWW Meeting
        Palm Desert, California

        Meeting was called to order at 4:15PM by
        President Blanche Randles, W4GXZ presiding.
        There were no other officers present.  Vi
        Barrett W6CBA was appointed to record the minutes.

        The President welcomed those present and
        thanked them for coming.

        There was a moment of silence for our
        Silent Keys during this past year.

          Elsie McLean,       W1FOF      Ester Given   W6BDE
          Rose Ann Barbarite  W3FVS      Gladys Chase  W1VPF

        The Treasures Report was read and approved.  As of Sept
        30, 1998 balance on hand was $1172.40.  Currently there
        is $247.17 in the checking account, $1153.00 in the
        savings account, making a total of $1400.17.

        The President made several announcements of interest
        to the membership.  With thanks to Kay Eyman, WA0WOF
        and Bob, WA0CLR.  They got our web site up and are
        making changes to keep it up to date.  QCWA has added
        our chapeter so that you can reach our web page through
        QCWA. Address:

        Paul, W3QPP volunteered to act as net control for the
        QCWW net.  Paul's antenna was down for maintaince but
        should be back up shortly.  The net meets on 14.288
        plus or minus. 11 AM Pacific time.

        The new certificate is Dot Young, W1TGY.  Dot suggested the
        certificate rules probably should be changed.  At present
        the rules call for working 20 members.  It was proposed we
        change that to working 5 QCWW members for the certificate.
        Motion made and seconded and approved unanimously.

        Helen Smith, WA5WAR had been appointed to take care of
        the scrapebook.  Helen asked that the members please send
        articles about activities of our members or anything of
        interest to our members.

        Blanche commented that she was unable to get anyone
        to serve on the nominating committee so she received,
        in writing, approval of the present officers and
        directors to continue for another year.  This was
        approved and she ask for volunteer fo chairman the
        nominatine committee, she wil appoint her own
        committee Mary Lewis, W7QGP volunteered.

        Our present editor Ann Arnholt, K9KXK has been editing
        Sylver Sparks since 1990 and would like to turn it over
        to someone else.  Much to Our surprize we had a new member
        volunteer.  She is Dawn Cummings, K1TQY.  She and Ann
        will work out the details of the change.

        There was discussion on joining other Chapters in QCWA.
        Any member in good standing in QCWA may join as many
        chapters as they wish.  Even though QCWA has you listed
        in just one Chapter your "Home Chapter" you are free
        to join any others.

        The meeting was adjourned at 4:45PM

        Vi Barrett, W6CBA
        Acting Secretary
