Minutes from the Annual Meeting of the Quarter Century Wireless Women Chapter 120 of the Quarter Century Wireless Association The meeting was called to order by the president, Helen Drake K5ECP, at 3:30pm October 11, 1997 at The Crowne Plaze Hotel in Kansas City, Missouri. There were 26 Members and guests present. After those present introduced themselves, a moment of silence was observed for the Silent Keys. The minutes of the last meeting were read by Betty Strattan, W2PVS. They were accepted as read. The Treasurer's report was read by the president. There is a balance of $274.17 in the checking account and $1153.93 in the savings account. There was discussion about the contests and other needed publicity. The history of QCWW was given by the president. The slate of new officers was presented: President: Blanche Randles W4GXZ Vice President: Dot Beam K4PPS Secretary/treasure: Lorraine Witkowski WA1EDR Directors: Catherine Dunlop W4OMH Paul Gerbracht W3QPP A motion was made that we donate $100 in memory of Ethel Smith, K4LMB to the scholarship fund. Motion made by Blanche Randles, seconded by Esther Given and passed unanimously. Discussion and answers to questions followed. Blanche suggested new members consider accepting positions as officers. QCWW pins are still available, as also a few patches. Contact the president. It was pointed out that we can not have associate members. We can have guests/friends, who can help as needed. Ann, K9RXK, requested nerws for SYLver Sparks. The meeting was closed at 4pm. Respectfully submitted Elizabeth (Betty) Strattan W2PVS Secty Pro tem