QCWW Certificate Rules 1 Contact must be made with Five (5) QCWW Members. All Contacts must be After Nov 1, 1979 and contact must be a member at the time the contact was made. 2 Any and all amateur Bands may be used. Repeater contacts do not count. No cross band contacts area allowed. Contacts on QCWW net do not ocunt and "Captive Group" contacts are discouraged. 3 Submit proof of contact - copies of log entries showing QCWW member or copies of QCWA QSO party logs will serve as verification. You may submit photo copies of QSL cards. It is not necessary to send actual QSL cards but, if cards are sent you must submit sufficient postage to cover return of the cards by First Class Mail. 4 List for application should be arranged in alphabetical order by call, and give Name, Date, Time and Frequency. 5 Send fifty cents ($.50) to cover the cost of mailing the Certificate. 6 Send data to the Certificate Custodian: Dot Young, W1TGY 47 Longwood Ave Augusta, ME 04330-4130 Use the print function on your browser to create a copy of this form.