And a camping we will go, a camping we will go...(July 13, 14 and 15)

 Camping 2001: The trip is set and it is July 13, 14, 15. Everyone can't wait, I know that I can't. We are going to Algonquin Park and will be camping at Kearny Lake. Joanne and Leslie wittled down the choices and Joanne has us all booked. We, Sylvie, Shelly and I, will be leaving Montreal and heading to Leslie's place on Friday morning. We will stop over their for a little while and then will head up to the campsite. We haven't decided if we will take our car or rent.

Everyone should rent the movie 'The Great Outdoors' with John Candy and Dan Akyroyd before going camping. Put everyone in the mood for the all of outdoors. Hope there is some good fising cause I'd like to do a little fishing up there.




Camping Tips

 These sights are interesting and fun. All sorts of stuff. As for us, we are buying a tent this week, old one too small. We are also bringing a new sun sent we bought a few weeks ago for the yard. It has ain insect screen so that will be a great place to hang out at night when the insects are gettin busy or jiggy with it.

Camping Humour

Camp Clueless

Meal Planner

Camping with Kids

Campfire songs
Imagine, sitting by the campfire, telling scarey stories or singing campfire songs. Who knows, who cares, I don't, do you?


Are you looking at me? I'm the only moose here so you must be looking at me?






I have a rumbly in my's telling me it's time for something sweet.

Here is the campsite map. I received a confirmation in the mail the other day (thanks Jo)