Samoyeds are not a breed suitable for solitary confinement in the back yard. Left without personal attention and canine companionship, a Samoyed is likely to become a miserable, destructive problem dog. With love and nurturing, he/she will enrich his/her owners' lives.
By nature he/she is not a quarrelsome dog though he/she will stand his/her ground for what he/she feels are his/her rights. Being an all purpose dog he/she will easily adapt himself/herself to any circumstances or environment and when brought up with children, they will be his/her favorites as he/she excels as a playmate and guardian who will not desert his/her charges when they are in danger. Each Samoyed is an INDIVIDUAL, even from one litter. One will be very attentive and obedient while another may be more headstrong and less demanding of affection as long as he KNOWS the house is his/her castle when he/she wants it and he/she owns you.
Personalities can and are changed with circumstances and environment. The happy, outgoing puppy can end up dull, shy or aggressive through neglect or mistreatment during his/her first year. Lack of harmony in the home will upset him/her, he/she cannot be happy if you are upset. He/She should be taken for short drives as early as eight to ten weeks, meet strangers and adjust to strange surroundings as well as other dogs when he/she is three months and older. Care must be taken that he/she is always treated kindly. Never allow an aggressive animal near him/her until he/she is old enough to accept such a challenge and protect himself. He/She must not be deprived of human relationship which he/she needs. Never tie him/her outdoors alone. This will change his/her personality as he/she was born
to be free. A fenced-in yard is a must where he/she can get his/her exercise, feel the freedom of open area, yet be protected from death by a car. He/She will want to herd the neighbor's cat, rabbits, squirrels or explore the area, as much as ten miles of it.
He/She has a keen sense of knowing when you are happy, sad, who really loves him/her, just tolerates him/her, dislikes him/her and he/she will return his love accordingly. He/She thrives and his/her personality abounds with love and companionship in being part OF THE FAMILY, in the car as well as at home. There is no way of fully describing his understanding, intelligence, his/her value as a pet and/or show dog except to live very CLOSELY with one and experience the great treasure he/she becomes in your home.
He/She is a "talky" dog and with encouragement will voice his/her pleasures and his/her dislikes. Some enjoy jokes and ham it up when laughed at while others resent it. He/She will speak with his paw or nose. Many an owner can tell how a cup of coffee was almost bounced from their hands when they ignored his/her demand to be let outdoors. That nose will also be pressed softly under your arm for attention, pressure added when the first hints for recognition are ignored. They are naturals to "shake hands" as they are quick to offer a paw in friendliness, even when a small puppy. They use their feet cleverly to open doors, etc.
-Samoyed Club Of America-



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