"Past Loves"

You Are Listening To "Tears In Heaven"
I got to the gate of heaven today,
after we said good-bye,
I began to miss you terribly,
because I heard you cry.
Suddenly there was an angel,
and she asked me to enter
heaven's gate,
I asked her if I could stay outside
for someone who would be late.
I wouldn't make much noise you see,
I wouldn't bark or howl,
I'll only wait here patiently,
and play with my tennis
The angel said I could stay right here
and wait for you to come,
Because heaven just wouldn't be heaven
if I went in alone.
So I'll wait right here, you take your time,
but keep me in your heart,
Because heaven just wouldn't be heaven
without you to warm my heart.
-Author Unknown-
Puddin (December 31, 1978-July 2, 1991)
Puddin, a Miniature Schnauzer, came to us at the age of 8 months from a home that had abused her. She lived a happy life from then on. She passed away at the age of 12 years. She will always remain in our hearts and we look forward to seeing her again at the Rainbow Bridge where we know she is patiently waiting.
Katie (March 31, 1973-July 2, 1991)
Katie was the first cat that I had ever had. She was an Absynnian cross. My family developed a love and a respect for cats because of her. She had a typical Absynnian temperment. She believed that the only kind of dog that was allowed in her territory was a Miniature Schnauzer and if any other breed of dog dare step one paw into her territory she would chase them out of the yard. It didn't matter what size of dog it was. She was a very independent cat, meaning you only petted her when she wanted you to and you could only pet her as long as she wanted you to.
If you insisted on petting her longer she'd let you know to stop by biting or scratching you. We still loved her though. She passed away at the age of 18 years. She will always remain in our hearts and we look forward to seeing her again at the Rainbow Bridge where we know she is patiently waiting.
Sissy was the first dog that I remember as a child. We got her when I was approximately 3 years old. She was one that couldn't be tied or fenced up. She was a houdini and got hit by a car when I was approximately 6 years old. We look forward to meeting up with her again at the Rainbow Bridge.
Buffy was a Pekingnese/Poodle cross that was found as a stray and adopted by my grandparents. He was a cute little dog that had tons of personality and would do anything for a golf ball. His only problem is he thought he was bigger then any dog and he payed for that with his life. Buffy has crossed over the Rainbow Bridge along with his humans (my grandparents).



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